[bfcpbis] rfc4583bis TLS SDP example - Re: More comments on RFC 4582

Tom Kristensen <tomkrist@cisco.com> Tue, 05 June 2012 05:54 UTC

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To: "Chelliah Sivachelvan (chelliah)" <chelliah@cisco.com>
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Cc: Lorenzo Miniero <lorenzo@meetecho.com>, bfcpbis@ietf.org, Tom Kristensen <2mkristensen@gmail.com>, Gonzalo Camarillo <Gonzalo.Camarillo@ericsson.com>
Subject: [bfcpbis] rfc4583bis TLS SDP example - Re: More comments on RFC 4582
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On 06/04/2012 04:22 PM, Chelliah Sivachelvan (chelliah) wrote:
> Tom,
> A minor comment on the SDP example in section 9. In the context of DTLS,
> the setup a line must be "actpass" in the offer. See excerpts from  RFC
> 5763:
>       [ The endpoint that is the offerer MUST use the setup attribute
>        value of setup:actpass and be prepared to receive a client_hello
>        before it receives the answer.]
Yes, this is true for DTLS usage (UDP/TLS/BFCP). However, the example is 
the original example from RFC 4582 related to TLS (TCP/TLS/BFCP). So I 
believe the example in rfc4583bis is correct!

-- Tom