[bfcpbis] Old comments on RFC 4582
Gonzalo Camarillo <Gonzalo.Camarillo@ericsson.com> Mon, 16 April 2012 10:55 UTC
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Hi, below you can find an old thread with comments on RFC 4582 that should be fixed in the new revision of the spec. Cheers, Gonzalo -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: RFC 4582 additional note Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 13:55:14 +0200 From: Gonzalo Camarillo <Gonzalo.Camarillo@ericsson.com> To: Alfred ? <ah@tr-sys.de> CC: jo@netlab.hut.fi, drage@lucent.com References: <200612301007.LAA23236@TR-Sys.de> <200612301044.LAA23279@TR-Sys.de> Hi, good catch. I will also log this comment. Thanks, Gonzalo Alfred ? wrote: > Hello, > in my first note on RFC 4582, by accident I have omitted an item > initially intended to be included there. > Here we go with it: > > > (3) duplicate text > > Section 13.1.1 of RFC 4582 contains two instances of the same > paragraph: the last paragraph on page 49 -- up to line formatting / > hyphenation -- is a replication of the third-to-last paragraph on > the same page. > > > Best regards, > Alfred. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: RFC 4582 (BFCP) ABNF issues Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 13:50:27 +0200 From: Gonzalo Camarillo <Gonzalo.Camarillo@ericsson.com> To: Alfred ? <ah@tr-sys.de> CC: jo@netlab.hut.fi, drage@lucent.com References: <200612301007.LAA23236@TR-Sys.de> Hi Alfred, regarding 1), I agree with you that it is a formally-allowed slight abuse of ABNF. I will log your comments so that, if we need to revise the spec at some point, we fix it. Regarding 2), it is just a variation of [FLOOR-ID]. As you point out in 1), we could have used either [xxx] or *1(xxx) throughout the spec. It is unfortunate that we have used both in the same spec. However, even if this can be confusing, it is still correct. I will also log this comment for a potential future revision. Thanks a lot for your comments. Best regards, Gonzalo Alfred ? wrote: > Hello, > after studying the recently published RFC 4582 (BFCP) authored > by you, I'd like to report some concerns related to the ABNF > found in that memo. > > > (1) general concern > > In ABNF, the notation [ <group> ] is a shorthand for: > 0*1( <group> ) or shortly: > *1( <group> ) , i.e. zero or one of <group>. > > RFC 4582 repeatedly uses the ABNF notation, > "*[ <group> ]" , > literally meaning: > "any number of { zero or one occurrences of <group> }". > > Although formally allowed by the ABNF RFC 4234, IMHO this is > some sort of slight abuse of ABNF; > as in other places, RFC 4582 better should have used > "*( <group> )" > instead of the above notation (maybe even omitting the > parentheses -- but I do not recommend that, for clarity). > > This issue occurs in Figures 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, and 31..43 . > > > (2) (potential) specific issue > > RFC 4582 pervasively uses the "optional" ABNF, "[<group>]" , > to denote optional syntax elements. But there is one exception; > in Section 5.3.8, on page 33, Figure 38 contains the line: > > *1(FLOOR-ID) > > It is not evident from the context whether this is just an > accidential variation in the use of ABNF, i.e. intended to say: > > [FLOOR-ID] > > or if in fact it was intended to say: > > 1*(FLOOR-ID) > > If the latter is true, the line in the RFC is in error and > I strongly recommend that you submit, as soon as possible, > an Author's Errata Note to the RFC Editor's RFC Errata web > pages, to correct this issue. > > Please comment. > > > Best regards, > Alfred H?nes. >
- [bfcpbis] Old comments on RFC 4582 Gonzalo Camarillo
- Re: [bfcpbis] Old comments on RFC 4582 Tom Kristensen