Re: [bfcpbis] More comments on RFC 4582

Tom Kristensen <> Thu, 31 May 2012 06:58 UTC

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Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 08:58:39 +0200
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From: Tom Kristensen <>
To: Gonzalo Camarillo <>
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Subject: Re: [bfcpbis] More comments on RFC 4582
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On 16/04/2012, Gonzalo Camarillo <> wrote:
> Hi,
> below you can find another old email with more comments on RFC 4582.

I've commented the issues inline below.
The two new error codes is included in the upcoming draft version.

> [...]                                            I got the action
> point to list the things that could be fixed in a potential revised
> BFCP spec. These are the contents of my notes. Of course, if someone
> knows of more issues, please let us know:
> o When a user performs a third-party floor request the beneficiary of
> the floor is not informed when the floor is granted. This may not be
> a problem because endpoints using third-party floor requests probably
> have different means to get in synch but we may want to add some text
> about this.

Tom: Not sure this is needed, as it is stated in Section 2 that:
"... The protocol between a floor participant and a media participant
 (that are not colocated) is outside the scope of this document".

> o We do not have errors for an unsupported version of the protocol or
> for wrong message length. We do not have a general error either.

Tom: Unsupported version is handled in the current version of the
rfc4582bis draft. The other two is added to the upcoming version,
i.e. Incorrect Message Length and Generic Error.

> o When we get more experience on queue management from real
> deployments, it would be nice to explaining it further in the spec.

Tom: I have no knowledge of queue management from deployments.
Does anyone else out there have any deployment experience? If not,
we don't really have much to add at present.

> o UserStatus
> UserStatus =   (COMMON-HEADER)
>                  [BENEFICIARY-INFORMATION]
>                1*(FLOOR-REQUEST-INFORMATION) -> remove the 1
>                 *[EXTENSION-ATTRIBUTE]

Tom: Was already correct in RFC4582, outdated note I presume.

> o A message may need to be longer than the maximum message length
> supported by the protocol

Tom: We've solved the fragmentation issue. No demands voiced for length
exceeding the maximum message length for reliable transport voiced in

> o A rather small number of typos

Tom: A couple of typos fixed in both current and upcoming version of
rfc4582bis. Reviewers might find more!

-- Tom

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