[bfcpbis] preparations for IETF 84

"Charles Eckel (eckelcu)" <eckelcu@cisco.com> Fri, 29 June 2012 15:56 UTC

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From: "Charles Eckel (eckelcu)" <eckelcu@cisco.com>
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Thread-Topic: preparations for IETF 84
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IETF 84 is less than  a month away. The preliminary agenda has the session for BFCPBIS as follows:

FRIDAY, August 3, 2012
1230-1330  Afternoon Session II
Regency A       	RAI 	bfcpbis     	Binary Floor Control Protocol Bis  WG

That's right, we are at the very end. Unfortunately, that does not buy us any extra time for the prep work. The remaining and rapidly approaching IETF 84 deadlines are as follows:

# 2012-06-28 (Thursday): Preliminary agenda published for comment.
# 2012-07-02 (Monday): Cutoff date for requests to reschedule Working Group and BOF meetings 17:00 PT (UTC -7).
# 2012-07-02 (Monday): Working Group Chair approval for initial document (Version -00) submissions appreciated by 17:00 PT (UTC -7).
# 2012-07-06 (Friday): Final agenda to be published.
# 2012-07-09 (Monday): Internet Draft Cut-off for initial document (-00) submission by 17:00 PT (UTC -7), upload using IETF ID Submission Tool.
# 2012-07-16 (Monday): Internet Draft final submission cut-off by 17:00 PT (UTC -7), upload using IETF ID Submission Tool.
# 2012-07-18 (Wednesday): Draft Working Group agendas due by 17:00 PT (UTC -7), upload using IETF Meeting Materials Management Tool.

We do not anticipate any new (version-00) drafts. We do; however, need to have more review and comments on the existing drafts ASAP, such that these comments may be addressed in updated versions that post prior to the July 16th deadline. The comments and corresponding resolutions, or lack thereof, will be used as input to the agenda for the working group session, which is due July 18.
The current versions of both drafts are available at http://tools.ietf.org/wg/bfcpbis/. 
