[bfcpbis] More comments on draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4582bis-03
"Horvath, Ernst" <ernst.horvath@siemens-enterprise.com> Wed, 27 June 2012 15:20 UTC
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From: "Horvath, Ernst" <ernst.horvath@siemens-enterprise.com>
To: Tom Kristensen <tomkrist@cisco.com>
Thread-Topic: More comments on draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4582bis-03
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Subject: [bfcpbis] More comments on draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4582bis-03
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Tom, Here is the rest of (mostly minor) things I noticed during my review of the -03 draft: Section 5.20.10: The explanation of Padding below Table 17 says "Two octets of padding...". Why not one or three octets as well, as in other similar caeses? Section 5.3.14: Should the 1st sentence read "... on receipt of a _subsequent_ FloorRequestStatus message ..." since the first FlooRequestStatus is itself an acknowledgement and needs no further acknowledgment? Section 5.3.16: Similar to previous comment, should it be "... of a subsequent FloorStatus message ..."? Section 6.1: Why was the final paragraph of RFC 4582 section 6 omitted from the -bis draft? I assume it's an editorial slip. Section 6.2, 2nd paragraph: Change "only upon receipt can the client consider" to "only upon receipt of HelloAck can the client consider". Section 6.2.1: "... the message is retransmitted up to three times." Does that mean 3 retransmissions (i.e. 4 transmissions altogether) or the original transmission plus 2 retransmissions? The latter seems to be meant in section 8.3.1, which says "failing after three unacknowledged transmission attempts". Or should 8.3.1 also say "retransmission attempts"? Section 6.2.2: The text "and behave accordingly" at the end of the 1st sentence seems redundant. Section 11.1: In the 2nd paragraph, shouldn't "floor participant's identifier" be "floor chair's identifier"? Section 13, 2nd paragraph: The second sentence should start "If it is not" (rather than "If it does not"). Section 13.1.1, 1st paragraph: "... the first of which SHOULD be generated as soon as possible" could be made more specific with a hint to the retransmision window in case of an unreliable transport. Similarly in later subsections of 13. Section 13.1.2: The third paragraph is only true for reliable transport, a 2nd statement should be added for unreliable transport. Section 13.4, 6th paragraph: Change "the floors being requested" to "the floors being released". Section 13.5, 1st paragraph: On the 3rd line, change "FloorRelease message" to "FloorQuery message". Section 13.5.2, end of 1st paragraph: "but their Transaction ID is 0" is true for reliable transport only. Add a statement for unreliable transport. Similarly at the end of the 2nd paragraph. Section 14, 4th paragraph: I am not sure whether "Floor control server impersonation is avoided by having servers only accept BFCP messages over authenticated TLS/DTLS connections" is sufficient. Shouldn't there also be an onus on a client to send and accept messages over secure connections only? Section 15: Delete "This" from the start of the 1st sentence below the editorial note. Regards, Ernst
- [bfcpbis] More comments on draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc… Horvath, Ernst
- Re: [bfcpbis] More comments on draft-ietf-bfcpbis… Tom Kristensen
- Re: [bfcpbis] More comments on draft-ietf-bfcpbis… Charles Eckel (eckelcu)