[bfcpbis] (no subject)
Woo Johnman <wuym2000cn@gmail.com> Wed, 30 May 2012 09:31 UTC
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Hi, I feel BFCP over DTLS is not well documented in rfc4582bis. At section 7 "Lower-Layer Security". It says "BFCP floor control servers and clients MUST support TLS for transport over TCP and MUST support DTLS for transport over UDP [4]." But reference [4] is only about BFCP over TLS. Reference for BFCP over DTLS seems missing. At the end of the same section,it seems say DTLS connection setup procedure shall follow [7]. If it is true, does it mean BFCP message is packeted as SRTP? If not, would it be better to give more details about DTLS connection setup and packetization. Please give more explain. Thanks in advance, Youngmin
- [bfcpbis] (no subject) Woo Johnman