[bfcpbis] RFC 4582bis: More comments on error handling

"Horvath, Ernst" <ernst.horvath@siemens-enterprise.com> Mon, 25 June 2012 13:19 UTC

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The following items are some comments on error procedures in draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4582bis-03. I noticed that some of them concern text inherited from RFC4582, which should nevertheless be fixed in 4582bis.

1) Ambiguous text in 5.1:

In the sentence on top of page 17: "If a BFCP entity receives a
   message with an unsupported version field value, the receiving
   participant MAY send an Error message with parameter value 12 to
   indicate this",
Shouldn't "BFCP entity" better be "Floor Control Server" and "paricipant" be "server", given that Error is a message for the server to client direction according to table 1?

Similarly on page 18:  "If a BFCP entity
   receives a message with an incorrect payload length field value, the
   receiving participant MAY send an Error message with parameter value
   13 to indicate this".

2) In 5.2, 1st paragraph below table 2, the sentence 
"If an unrecognized attribute with the 'M' bit set is received, the message is rejected" 
could be expanded to 
"If a Floor Control Server receives an unrecognized attribute with the 'M' bit set the server MAY (or SHOULD/MUST?) send an Error message with parameter value 4 to indicate this", 
to be consistent with text on other error cases.

3) In 5.2.6, regarding the sentence below Figure 12:
  "Error Code: This 8-bit field contains an error code from the
   following table.  If an error code is not recognized by the receiver,
   then the receiver MUST assume that an error exists, and therefore
   that the message is processed, but the nature of the error is
I don't understand what "the message is processed" refers to - the processing of the original message by the sender of Error or the processing of the received error message. Maybe a clearer wording can be found.

4) In 6.2, 4th paragraph, the sentence 
"If a BFCP entity receives data that cannot be parsed, the receiving participant MAY send an Error message with parameter value 10 indicating receipt of a malformed message" 
has the same problem as indicated in comment 1) above.

5) In 13, last paragraph, "with Error code 2 (Authentication Failed)" is wrong. First, code 2 means "User does not Exist" (there is no error code for "Authentication Failed"), and second, I think code 4 (Unknown Mandatory Attribute) is meant here.
