[bfcpbis] Meetecho session recording available
Meetecho IETF support <ietf@meetecho.com> Tue, 07 August 2012 22:38 UTC
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Dear all, the full recording (synchronized video, audio, slides and jabber room) of BFCPBIS session at IETF-84 is available. You can watch it by accessing the following URL: http://ietf84.conf.meetecho.com/index.php/Recorded_Sessions#IETF84_BFCPBIS For the chair(s): please feel free to put the link to the recording in the minutes, if you think this might be useful. In case of problems with the playout, just drop an e-mail to team@meetecho.com. Cheers, the Meetecho team -- Meetecho s.r.l. Web Conferencing and Collaboration Tools www.meetecho.com
- [bfcpbis] Meetecho session recording available Meetecho IETF support