[Bier] BIER meeting minutes --- Re: BIER WG - call for presentation in IETF 114 meeting

zhang.zheng@zte.com.cn Wed, 10 August 2022 01:09 UTC

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Please check the BIER meeting minutes for IETF 114: https://notes.ietf.org/notes-ietf-114-bier
Please tell us if there is any missing or mistakes. 
The minutes will be published next week. 
Thanks Mankamana very much for the minutes taking! 
Best regards,
Sandy (secretary)

From: 张征00007940
To: bier@ietf.org <bier@ietf.org>;
Cc: bier-chairs@ietf.org <bier-chairs@ietf.org>;
Date: 2022年06月30日 08:49
Subject: [Bier] BIER WG - call for presentation in IETF 114 meeting
BIER meeting for IETF 114 has been scheduled: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/114/agenda/
If you would like to present at the meeting, please send a request to BIER chairs and me with "presentation draft, the amount of time, presenter".
Sandy (secretary)
BIER mailing list