Re: [Cbor] Robert Wilton's No Objection on draft-ietf-cbor-7049bis-14: (with COMMENT)

"Rob Wilton (rwilton)" <> Wed, 23 September 2020 09:08 UTC

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From: "Rob Wilton (rwilton)" <>
To: Carsten Bormann <>
CC: "" <>, "" <>, The IESG <>, Francesca Palombini <>, CBOR Working Group <>
Thread-Topic: Robert Wilton's No Objection on draft-ietf-cbor-7049bis-14: (with COMMENT)
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Subject: Re: [Cbor] Robert Wilton's No Objection on draft-ietf-cbor-7049bis-14: (with COMMENT)
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Hi Carsten,

All your comments/updates are fine with me.  Thanks for the explanation.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: iesg <> On Behalf Of Carsten Bormann
> Sent: 21 September 2020 21:16
> To: Rob Wilton (rwilton) <>
> Cc:;; The IESG
> <>; Francesca Palombini <>;
> CBOR Working Group <>
> Subject: Re: Robert Wilton's No Objection on draft-ietf-cbor-7049bis-14:
> (with COMMENT)
> Hi Rob,
> thank you for your kind words about CBOR and for mentioning the signed
> integer range issue.
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Thank you for your work on this document, and bringing this to full
> standard.
> > Since I'm a big fan of CBOR and try to evangelize it whenever possible
> I'm
> > please to see this happening.
> >
> > However, I have one minor annoyance with CBOR, which is the range of
> negative
> > numbers that are encoded in major type 1.  My gripe is that the encoding
> allows
> > for negative integers that are not easily representable in a simple form
> in
> > most programming languages without using something equivalent to
> BigInteger.
> Right.  The underlying observation was that unsigned integers are way more
> likely to be used in constrained environments than signed integers.  We
> didn't want to waste a significant part of the code space, so negative
> integers were designed to be non-overlapping with unsigned ones, and that
> gives us a bit more than the usual bit-stealing sign representation used
> for signed integers.  That may be less familiar than just mapping C's data
> types, but it certainly makes sense for the application.  So you can have
> a range from -256..255 that fits into a single byte (plus the initial
> byte).
> > E.g., all values below -2^63 won't fit into a int64 type, and the value
> 2^64
> > won't even fit into an uint64 that was used to represent a negative
> number
> > (obviously unless it followed the CBOR encoding semantics of being
> offset by 1)
> We don't go into good platform representations of 65-bit signed integers.
> > For a generic decoder I presume that this isn't an issue since it can
> fallback
> > to something like BigInteger.  But for other decoders handling normal
> sized
> > integer datatypes I would presume that they would effectively presumably
> regard
> > anything smaller than -2^63 as not well-formed for their specific
> problem
> > domain.
> Certainly well-formed, but not "expected" according to the set of
> application data models they can support.
> When we do an update of the CDDL spec (RFC 8610), we might spend a little
> more time on explaining why you rarely want to use the full 65-bit signed
> types but instead be more specific about what you need.  But CBOR itself
> simply happily can represent what you give it, and a bit more than you'd
> expect at first.
> > I'm not suggesting that this should be changed (hence comment not a
> discuss),
> > but there are a couple of places in the document that it might be
> helpful to
> > warn implementors about this, that I have mentioned below.
> >
> > Other minor comments:
> >
> >    3.  Specification of the CBOR Encoding
> >
> >       Major type 0:  an integer in the range 0..2**64-1 inclusive.  The
> >          value of the encoded item is the argument itself.  For example,
> >          the integer 10 is denoted as the one byte 0b000_01010 (major
> type
> >          0, additional information 10).  The integer 500 would be
> >          0b000_11001 (major type 0, additional information 25) followed
> by
> >          the two bytes 0x01f4, which is 500 in decimal.
> >
> >       Major type 1:  a negative integer in the range -2**64..-1
> inclusive.
> >          The value of the item is -1 minus the argument.  For example,
> the
> >          integer -500 would be 0b001_11001 (major type 1, additional
> >          information 25) followed by the two bytes 0x01f3, which is 499
> in
> >          decimal.
> >
> > Would writing "0 to 2**64-1" be more clear than 0..2**64-1?
> (Sorry, CDDL thinking here,
> We use this notation some 35 times in the document, so adding some text in
> the terminology section makes sense (now in 1.2).
> (We won't use the opportunity to delete all 4 instances of "inclusive",
> though.)
> > Or otherwise
> > perhaps mention that in the terminology section that "x..y" is used to
> > represent an inclusive range set of all values from x to y, including x
> and y.
> > Also, noting that here where ".." has been used it explicit states that
> it is
> > inclusive, but that doesn't appear to be the case everywhere.
> >
> > I suggest changing "Major type 0:  an integer ..." back to "Major type
> 0:  an
> > unsigned integer", as in RFC7049, because the type is referred to as
> "Unsigned
> > integer".  It also makes it more consistent with the definition of Major
> type 1.
> Indeed; this lack of symmetry already came up in other discussions.
> >    3.2.1.  The "break" Stop Code
> >
> >       The "break" stop code is encoded with major type 7 and additional
> >       information value 31 (0b111_11111).  It is not itself a data item:
> it
> >       is just a syntactic feature to close an indefinite-length item.
> >
> >       If the "break" stop code appears anywhere where a data item is
> >       expected, other than directly inside an indefinite-length string,
> >       array, or map -- for example directly inside a definite-length
> array
> >       or map -- the enclosing item is not well-formed.
> >
> > I was wondering whether it would be helpful to clarify that by
> > indefinite-length string it means text or byte string?  Although this
> becomes
> > clear in section 3.2.3 anyway ...  My thinking is that section 3.2 lists
> 4
> > types that can have indefinite length, and then in this section both
> types are
> > string are treated together.
> When discussing CBOR data models, we tend to group major types 2 and 3
> as "strings", and 4 and 5 as "containers".  We don't use the latter in
> 7049bis; we do use unqualified "string" though.
> We used the end of 3.2 to add another expansion of this term.
> >    3.2.3.  Indefinite-Length Byte Strings and Text Strings
> >
> > Would it be helpful to clarify that the chunks must be the same type.
> E.g. you
> > cannot have a byte string that contains text string chunks and vice-
> versa?
> We do say:
>    If any item between the indefinite-length string indicator
>    (0b010_11111 or 0b011_11111) and the "break" stop code is not a
>    definite-length string item of the same major type, the string is
>    not well-formed.
> 7049bis.html#rfc.section.3.2.3
> >
> >  Expected Later Encoding for CBOR-to-JSON Converters
> >
> > "Tags number 21 to 23 ..." => "Tag numbers 21 to 23 ..."
> Fixed.
> >    4.2.1.  Core Deterministic Encoding Requirements
> >
> >          Floating-point values also MUST use the shortest form that
> >          preserves the value, e.g. 1.5 is encoded as 0xf93e00 and
> 1000000.5
> >          as 0xfa49742408.  (One implementation of this is to have all
> >          floats start as a 64-bit float, then do a test conversion to a
> >          32-bit float; if the result is the same numeric value, use the
> >
> > I find this paragraph slightly opaque, and I would suggest spelling out
> that
> > 1.5 has been encoded as a 16 bit IEEE float, whereas 1.00000005 has been
> > encoded as a 32 bit IEEE float.  The same comment applies to 4.2.2 as
> well.
> Added the terms binary16/32/64 as used in other parts of the document.
> > I also noticed that in most places the document refers to "floating-
> point" but
> > in a few places "floating point" is used instead.
> Fixed a few occurrences, thanks.
> (We did this previously, and then Brownian motion crept in.)
> >    5.5.  Numbers
> >
> > As per my top comment, I think that it would be useful to raise in this
> section
> > that CBOR can encode negative values that cannot normally be represented
> in a
> > compact form.
> Added in the middle of the first paragraph:
>   Another example is that, since CBOR keeps the sign bit for its integer
>   representation in the major type, it has one bit more for signed
>   numbers of a certain length (e.g., -2\*\*64..2\*\*64-1 for 1+8-byte
>   integers) than the typical platform signed integer representation of
>   the same length (-2\*\*63..2\*\*63-1 for 8-byte int64_t).
> >    6.1.  Converting from CBOR to JSON
> >
> >       Most of the types in CBOR have direct analogs in JSON.  However,
> some
> >       do not, and someone implementing a CBOR-to-JSON converter has to
> >       consider what to do in those cases.  The following non-normative
> >       advice deals with these by converting them to a single substitute
> >       value, such as a JSON null.
> >
> >       *  An integer (major type 0 or 1) becomes a JSON number.
> >
> > It is worth referencing back to section 5.5 on Javascript numbers and
> > explicitly warn that not all CBOR integers can be precisely represented
> as JSON
> > numbers, and there may be a loss of precision?
> We added a paragraph at the end of 6.1 that points to RFC 7493.
> >    Appendix C.  Pseudocode
> >
> >       Major types 0 and 1 are designed in such a way that they can be
> >       encoded in C from a signed integer without actually doing an if-
> then-
> >       else for positive/negative (Figure 2).  This uses the fact that
> >       (-1-n), the transformation for major type 1, is the same as ~n
> >       (bitwise complement) in C unsigned arithmetic; ~n can then be
> >       expressed as (-1)^n for the negative case, while 0^n leaves n
> >       unchanged for non-negative.  The sign of a number can be converted
> to
> >       -1 for negative and 0 for non-negative (0 or positive) by
> arithmetic-
> >       shifting the number by one bit less than the bit length of the
> number
> >       (for example, by 63 for 64-bit numbers).
> >
> > This was another place where I thought that it might be useful to warn
> the
> > reader about decoding negative integers and the risk of overflow taking
> a major
> > 1 value into an int64 native type.
> This paragraph is about describing the pseudocode that follows, which
> is an encoder.
> We don't have pseudocode that shows how a decoder might range-check
> encoded data items for fit into the receiving data structures; this is
> so platform specific that I don't think we should provide any
> (and certainly not at this stage of the document).
> All these changes are in ae2bab7 and 94f98be, now PR #216 (merged):
> Grüße, Carsten