Re: [Cbor] Updated Drafts for dCBOR I-D and Gordian Envelope Structured Data Format I-D & IANA Tag Registration

Wolf McNally <> Mon, 08 May 2023 22:42 UTC

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From: Wolf McNally <>
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Date: Mon, 08 May 2023 15:42:05 -0700
Cc: Christopher Allen <>,,
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Subject: Re: [Cbor] Updated Drafts for dCBOR I-D and Gordian Envelope Structured Data Format I-D & IANA Tag Registration
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Thank you for pointing this out. Here is my current edit:

> ## 65-bit negative integers disallowed
> The largest negative integer that can be represented in 64-bit two's complement (STANDARD_NEGATIVE_INT_MAX) is -2^63 (0x8000000000000000).
> However, CBOR can encode negative integers as low as CBOR_NEGATIVE_INT_MAX, which is -2^64 (two's complement: 0x10000000000000000, CBOR: 0x3BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF). Negative integers in the range [CBOR_NEGATIVE_INT_MAX ... STANDARD_NEGATIVE_INT_MAX - 1] would require 65 bits, and are thus not representable in machine-sized integers.
> Because of this incompatibility between the CBOR and standard representations, dCBOR disallows encoding negative integer values in the range [CBOR_NEGATIVE_INT_MAX ... STANDARD_NEGATIVE_INT_MAX - 1]: conformant encoders MUST never encode these values and conformant decoders MUST reject these values as invalid.
> Implementations that support BIGNUM are able to encode and decode these values as BIGNUM.

~ Wolf

> On May 8, 2023, at 1:35 PM, Carsten Bormann <> wrote:
> On 2023-05-08, at 19:40, Christopher Allen <> wrote:
>> * Based on feedback from Anders Rundgren, the requirement that CBOR_NEGATIVE_INT_MAX be disallowed has been added.
> I don’t understand Section 3.5.
> This appears to be confused: the whole range from -(2**64) to
> -(2**63)-1 fits in an nint (major type 1) but cannot be represented 
> in an int64 and will need to use a larger integer size 
> (or bignum support) of the platform.
> Grüße, Carsten