[Cbor] Concise Binary Object Representation Maintenance and Extensions (cbor) WG Virtual Meeting: 2020-10-28 CHANGED
IESG Secretary <iesg-secretary@ietf.org> Wed, 28 October 2020 11:19 UTC
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Subject: [Cbor] Concise Binary Object Representation Maintenance and Extensions (cbor) WG Virtual Meeting: 2020-10-28 CHANGED
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MEETING DETAILS HAVE CHANGED. SEE LATEST DETAILS BELOW. The Concise Binary Object Representation Maintenance and Extensions (cbor) WG will hold a virtual interim meeting on 2020-10-28 from 17:00 to 18:00 Europe/Paris (16:00 to 17:00 UTC). Agenda: CBOR WG Meeting - Interim 20-18 Wednesday, Oct 28, 2020, 17:00 - 18:00 CET Chairs: Francesca Palombini Webex: https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j.php?MTID=m8abc7d12fe6aaeb2c84fe10148a4b4f9 Meeting number: 161 827 6159 Password: h7MeKJEqj68 Jabber: cbor@jabber.ietf.org Minutes: https://codimd.ietf.org/notes-ietf-interim-2020-cbor-18-cbor Agenda: * WG update * WG documents status - OID tags - new proposal dictionaries * AoB Information about remote participation: https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j.php?MTID=m8abc7d12fe6aaeb2c84fe10148a4b4f9 Meeting number: 161 827 6159 Password: h7MeKJEqj68
- [Cbor] Concise Binary Object Representation Maint… IESG Secretary