[Cbor] Re: [Tools-discuss] [abnf-discuss] Re: [art] Re: Exploring ABNF extracts from RFCs

Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> Mon, 29 July 2024 15:51 UTC

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On 2024-07-29, at 17:26, Paul Kyzivat <pkyzivat@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> It would be *nice* if we could find an approach that works for at least the languages most commonly embedded in RFCs.

If you are talking about the approach working when adapted for a number of languages, I’m with you.  But some of the details will need to differ, as we have already seen from the differences in name syntax.

> That seems challenging given the variety of language syntax/semantics. Embedding some parts in comments is interesting, but of course the comment syntax varies.


The approach described in [1] was designed to be adaptable to ABNF, with some attention to detail — the details will *not* be the same.
ABNF also has more of a dusty deck problem; in the end we’ll probably need to invest some effort to make a reasonable part of the ABNF in RFCs accessible, certainly for weird ABNF such as that used in RFC 2045 or RFC 1421, but also for documents that have more complex extraction than possible with post-8650 RFCs.

Trying to do this in a more general way, e.g., including YANG (which has its own rather elaborate way of handling module references and imports), or ASN.1, won’t make a lot of sense.

Grüße, Carsten

[1]: https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-cbor-cddl-modules-02.html