[Cbor] Draft refreshes
Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> Mon, 02 September 2024 02:24 UTC
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As you may have noticed, I refreshed a few drafts in preparation for my next two keyboardless weeks. I submitted a -12 of -edn-literals that reflects the roll-up branch (PR #65), i.e. making this specification independent of the previous ones (and, effectively obsoleting Section 8 of RFC 8949 as well as Appendix G of RFC 8610). This draft may be useful for a WG decision whether to go forward with this change and its implications on the timeline. A few drafts were last updated for the I-D deadline for Brisbane, which is now approaching having been 6 months in the past; to keep these drafts from expiring, I refreshed those drafts with their respective current state. -modules is really almost only a refresh (it does mention “import *” although we don’t have implementation confirmation for that change discussed in Brisbane); -packed should be up-to-date (with some minor editorial work needed on the exact text of the IANA registrations remaining), and various other drafts submitted in August or today also should be up-to-date. As I said, I’m going to be keyboardless week 36/37, but comments on or reviews of all current drafts are of course appreciated during this time as much as always: https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/cbor/documents/ Grüße, Carsten
- [Cbor] Draft refreshes Carsten Bormann