[Cbor] Re: EDN redux

Rohan Mahy <rohan.mahy@gmail.com> Wed, 07 August 2024 13:41 UTC

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Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 06:41:36 -0700
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Subject: [Cbor] Re: EDN redux
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The analogy with JSON is critically flawed because the JSON format is used
"on the wire" as is, while EDN app-strings need to be converted to a
specific format (often bstrs) in CBOR, each with their own grammar.

All other substantive applications of ABNF at IETF use a single pass
definition of the grammar. Using the ABNF in another way goes against 40+
years of precedent. It is just weird and will trip up other implementers.

The examples given where someone wanted to include an ABNF in an app-string
from an earlier specification which is broken or inconsistent, clearly
signal to me that spec writers need to take the time to fix those problems
by writing a clean ABNF rather than write new specs that import garbage
productions wrapped with extra layers of encoding and processing.

Overall this two-pass concept has been optimized to make life harder for
implementers and easier for people who want to specify new app-strings. We
should not be writing IETF specifications with that property.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2024, 03:51 Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> wrote:

> We didn't have enough time in Vancouver to complete the discussion
> about the EDN ABNF in draft-ietf-cbor-edn-literals.
> ## Explanation: Analog
> In Vancouver, Christian Amsüss had a good explanation in the form of
> an analog that I would like to try repeating here.
> For JSON, RFC 8259 provides an ABNF.
> This ABNF describes the grammar for valid JSON texts.
> These JSON texts are typically parsed by a JSON parser to yield a
> (parsed) JSON value.
> The JSON value is not described by RFC 8259 in any formal way, but
> intuition (= previous knowledge) about programming languages with
> built-in data representation formats (and specifically JavaScript)
> makes it relatively clear how the JSON value looks like and is
> obtained from the parsed JSON text.
> Some application may want to transport a URI in a JSON string.
> RFC 3986 provides an ABNF grammar for URIs.
> (This was done before JSON was written up, but the sequence here isn't
> relevant; it just shows the independence/loose coupling achieved.)
> To use URIs in a JSON text, the application parses/validates the JSON
> text (e.g., using the ABNF in RFC 8259), constructs the JSON value
> (which embeds a JSON string) based on the above intuition (ABNF
> doesn't help with that), and then parses/validates the JSON string
> (e.g., using the ABNF in RFC 3986).
> This procedure is so obvious I'm not aware of any document than even
> describes how the two ABNF grammars interact (they don't, directly,
> only via the intuition-based transformation of the parsed JSON text
> into a JSON value).
> ## Applying the analog to EDN
> We would like to do exactly the same with application-oriented
> literals in EDN: represented in sqstr (~ JSON text), parsed/validated
> (e.g., using the ABNF in Section 4.1 of EDN), transformed to the
> content of the sqstr (same intuition works here right away, as sqstr
> is mostly adapted from JSON strings), then parse/validate (e.g. using
> the ABNF in 4.2.x or a separate document) for the specific application
> oriented literal.
> What PR #49 proposes would be as follows in the JSON/URI example:
> * Define ABNF that merges the ABNF grammar for strings in JSON texts
>   (RFC 8259), the transformation of parsed input into a JSON value,
>   and the ABNF grammar for URIs (RFC 3986), into a single piece of
>   "single-pass" ABNF.
> * Modify the ABNF grammar for JSON to include this new ABNF.
> * Build a new JSON parser that includes this modified grammar; make
>   sure that such a modified JSON parser is available everywhere where
>   JSON is ingested with URIs to be included in JSON strings.
> This clearly *can* be done.
> It is not what we want to do; we are quite happy with the way JSON is
> processed today.
> (EDN is an extended form of JSON, by the way, so the analog is
> actually rather close here.)
> ## Side discussions
> The side discussion on whether ABNF is used correctly in the WG
> specification is somewhat sophistic.
> I can't follow this discussion, as it is not about anything that is
> material for the use of ABNF and its ecosystem for EDN.
> We cited RFC 8288 as an example that corrected the earlier approach of
> the spec it obsoleted (RFC 5988), which was conflating the base
> grammar of Web links with the grammars for each specific parameter in
> a similar way that PR #49 does.
> That approach created interoperability problems (as many of us noticed
> when implementing RFC 6690, which is based on the single-pass grammar
> attempt in RFC 5988).
> ### Side-side discussion
> RFC 8288 describes individual parameter grammars without typing in a
> name and an equals sign as in the ABNF production in ABNF's grammar:
>    rule           =  rulename defined-as elements c-nl
> ...essentially only keeping elements and c-nl; one can discuss whether
> that description technique is strictly following STD68.
> We are not doing this (all ABNF grammars in the WG spec parse
> correctly using the grammar for ABNF in RFC 5234), so this point is
> not relevant for this discussion.
> ## Conclusion
> I'm proposing that we now decide to keep the approach for describing
> EDN that maintains separation between the parsing and transformation
> of sqstr on one hand and the grammars for individual
> application-oriented literals on the other hand.
> This will allow us to use ABNF grammars such as those in RFC 3986 and
> RFC 3339 as well as those of future application-oriented literals
> already described in RFCs, unchanged.
> With that, I'm asking to stop blocking on the proposal made in PR #49
> and continue processing the document.
> Grüße, Carsten
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