[Cbor] EDN redux
Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> Wed, 07 August 2024 10:51 UTC
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We didn't have enough time in Vancouver to complete the discussion about the EDN ABNF in draft-ietf-cbor-edn-literals. ## Explanation: Analog In Vancouver, Christian Amsüss had a good explanation in the form of an analog that I would like to try repeating here. For JSON, RFC 8259 provides an ABNF. This ABNF describes the grammar for valid JSON texts. These JSON texts are typically parsed by a JSON parser to yield a (parsed) JSON value. The JSON value is not described by RFC 8259 in any formal way, but intuition (= previous knowledge) about programming languages with built-in data representation formats (and specifically JavaScript) makes it relatively clear how the JSON value looks like and is obtained from the parsed JSON text. Some application may want to transport a URI in a JSON string. RFC 3986 provides an ABNF grammar for URIs. (This was done before JSON was written up, but the sequence here isn't relevant; it just shows the independence/loose coupling achieved.) To use URIs in a JSON text, the application parses/validates the JSON text (e.g., using the ABNF in RFC 8259), constructs the JSON value (which embeds a JSON string) based on the above intuition (ABNF doesn't help with that), and then parses/validates the JSON string (e.g., using the ABNF in RFC 3986). This procedure is so obvious I'm not aware of any document than even describes how the two ABNF grammars interact (they don't, directly, only via the intuition-based transformation of the parsed JSON text into a JSON value). ## Applying the analog to EDN We would like to do exactly the same with application-oriented literals in EDN: represented in sqstr (~ JSON text), parsed/validated (e.g., using the ABNF in Section 4.1 of EDN), transformed to the content of the sqstr (same intuition works here right away, as sqstr is mostly adapted from JSON strings), then parse/validate (e.g. using the ABNF in 4.2.x or a separate document) for the specific application oriented literal. What PR #49 proposes would be as follows in the JSON/URI example: * Define ABNF that merges the ABNF grammar for strings in JSON texts (RFC 8259), the transformation of parsed input into a JSON value, and the ABNF grammar for URIs (RFC 3986), into a single piece of "single-pass" ABNF. * Modify the ABNF grammar for JSON to include this new ABNF. * Build a new JSON parser that includes this modified grammar; make sure that such a modified JSON parser is available everywhere where JSON is ingested with URIs to be included in JSON strings. This clearly *can* be done. It is not what we want to do; we are quite happy with the way JSON is processed today. (EDN is an extended form of JSON, by the way, so the analog is actually rather close here.) ## Side discussions The side discussion on whether ABNF is used correctly in the WG specification is somewhat sophistic. I can't follow this discussion, as it is not about anything that is material for the use of ABNF and its ecosystem for EDN. We cited RFC 8288 as an example that corrected the earlier approach of the spec it obsoleted (RFC 5988), which was conflating the base grammar of Web links with the grammars for each specific parameter in a similar way that PR #49 does. That approach created interoperability problems (as many of us noticed when implementing RFC 6690, which is based on the single-pass grammar attempt in RFC 5988). ### Side-side discussion RFC 8288 describes individual parameter grammars without typing in a name and an equals sign as in the ABNF production in ABNF's grammar: rule = rulename defined-as elements c-nl ...essentially only keeping elements and c-nl; one can discuss whether that description technique is strictly following STD68. We are not doing this (all ABNF grammars in the WG spec parse correctly using the grammar for ABNF in RFC 5234), so this point is not relevant for this discussion. ## Conclusion I'm proposing that we now decide to keep the approach for describing EDN that maintains separation between the parsing and transformation of sqstr on one hand and the grammars for individual application-oriented literals on the other hand. This will allow us to use ABNF grammars such as those in RFC 3986 and RFC 3339 as well as those of future application-oriented literals already described in RFCs, unchanged. With that, I'm asking to stop blocking on the proposal made in PR #49 and continue processing the document. Grüße, Carsten
- [Cbor] EDN redux Carsten Bormann
- [Cbor] Re: EDN redux Rohan Mahy
- [Cbor] Re: EDN redux Rohan Mahy
- [Cbor] Re: EDN redux Rohan Mahy
- [Cbor] Re: EDN redux Carsten Bormann
- [Cbor] Re: EDN redux Carsten Bormann
- [Cbor] Re: EDN redux Carsten Bormann