[Cbor] Re: Zone identifiers (issue #62, pr #63)
Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> Fri, 23 August 2024 16:43 UTC
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From: Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org>
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Subject: [Cbor] Re: Zone identifiers (issue #62, pr #63)
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On 2024-08-23, at 18:21, Joe Hildebrand <hildjj@cursive.net> wrote: > > I see a couple of possible approaches: > > - Explicitly declare zone identifiers out of scope with a small amount of text. This probably assumes that nobody will need to use EDN to help fix the identified zone identifier problems. I didn’t make myself clear. EDN already supports notating CBOR data items zone identifiers. This document just doesn’t go ahead and picks up any specific additional syntax for that in an application-oriented literal — examples for expressing zone identifiers in EDN are in RFC 9164. Modulo this point, yes, this is probably the approach we should take. (I personally think that what we had in #63 is enough, but I’d appreciate additional input. I just merged #63 so I can do some more editorial work; obviously, we’ll need to continue the discussion on how to address this, so I reopened the auto-closed issue #62.) > - Pull ip'' app-strings out into a separate doc as an extension to EDN, so that it can proceed at its own pace. This is a nice example for application-oriented literals being, er, application-oriented, or one could say domain-specific. In this case we just happen to have people who already have been burned by this domain discourse (which is happening in 6man etc.), so we know that we don’t want to charge ahead with yet another complication. So no need to wait for anything… Grüße, Carsten
- [Cbor] Zone identifiers (issue #62, pr #63) Carsten Bormann
- [Cbor] Re: Zone identifiers (issue #62, pr #63) Joe Hildebrand
- [Cbor] Re: Zone identifiers (issue #62, pr #63) Carsten Bormann