[Cbor] Re: CBOR Tooling breadth of use

Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> Thu, 25 July 2024 23:15 UTC

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Hi Steve,

> On 26. Jul 2024, at 00:52, Steve Lasker <StevenLasker@hotmail.com> wrote:
> How much energy and acknowledgement is there around CBOR and COSE tooling? Does the CBOR community feel it’s not intended as a general-purpose data format, and it’s good enough? Or, is there a desire to make easier for more to use?

I think that this is a great question.
The CBOR WG is not really set up to answer it, but its mailing list is a good way to get some coordination.

Most of the gaps I’m aware of are in the way of integration into existing tools.
Typically, this integration is best done by people who already know about the functioning and complex interfaces of those tools.
If we find some people who are interested in supporting CBOR, this list might be a good place to find the help they might need from the CBOR side.
I’m certainly offering my help (if people want to work with someone who doesn’t know much in the way of VSCode or what your tool of choice might be).

It would also be good to collect some information on how well tools work that already have CBOR support (e.g., Wireshark) and possibly organize some remedies.

A third activity might be to collect links to howtos or softwares in an accessible form.

(Oh, and the position of the author of simdcbor is still open :-)

Grüße, Carsten

PS.: Here are a few lines for your .emacs, if you like to operate on CBOR in YAML form.
Substitute “diag” for “yaml” to work in CBOR EDN (but this might need a few more options).

(add-to-list 'jka-compr-compression-info-list
              "converting YAML to CBOR"
              "converting CBOR to YAML"
              nil nil ""])
