Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason regarding Flexi-grid Tue, 18 March 2014 01:50 UTC
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Subject: Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason regarding Flexi-grid
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Hi All, I have a few minor changes to draft text. The relationship between optical tributary signal from Q6 and network media channel from Q12 is 1 to 1. ITU-T hasn't reach aggreement to use terminology OCh-P which is supported by multiple medial channels. I suggest we don't need to mention this. We should only mention when this requirement will be documented in ITU-T Recommendation. This requirement may be described as "An OTUCn is supported by multiple network media channels. These NMCs must be co-routed. They must be recoveried and cross-connected at the same time." Xihua Huub van Helvoort <> 发件人: "CCAMP" <> 2014-03-18 上午 01:20 请答复 给 收件人 Oscar González de Dios <>, CCAMP <> 抄送 主题 Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason regarding Flexi-grid Hola Oscar and Ramon. Thank you for preparing this liaison. > We have prepared a first draft of the text for the liaison ITU-T - IETF > CCAMP regarding clarifications in Flexi–Grid. Thanks for the > contributions sent to us by email. > > We would gladly appreciate your feedback in the liaison text. Please > find attached the proposed text with comments from a review by Deborah. > Also, for those of you allergic to non-standard file formats, please > find bellow the plain text: I have some comments/remarks added in the attached file because it was almost impossible to insert in the plain text. Hasta pronto, Huub. -- ***************************************************************** 请记住,你是独一无二的,就像其他每一个人一样 [附件 "db_liaison_rev_5_hvh.docx" 被 付锡华117829/user/zte_ltd 删除 ]_______________________________________________ CCAMP mailing list
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Iftekhar Hussain
- [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason regar… Oscar González de Dios
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Huub van Helvoort
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… fu.xihua
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… fu.xihua
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Jonas Mårtensson
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Zhangxian (Xian)
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Ramon Casellas
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Ramon Casellas
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Fatai Zhang
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Iftekhar Hussain
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Iftekhar Hussain
- [CCAMP] FW: Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Zhangxian (Xian)
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Zhangxian (Xian)
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Ramon Casellas
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Iftekhar Hussain
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… BRUNGARD, DEBORAH A
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… Iftekhar Hussain
- Re: [CCAMP] Draft Text for ITU-T - CCAMP Liason r… wang.qilei
- [CCAMP] Final Text ITU-T Liaison flexi-grid // Wa… Ramon Casellas