[CCAMP]Re: [Teas] Re: Re: Missing switching-types for WSON and flexi-grid: WG LC comment for RFC 8776-bis or RFC 9093-bis
julien.meuric@orange.com Wed, 20 November 2024 16:40 UTC
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To: Italo Busi <Italo.Busi=40huawei.com@dmarc.ietf.org>, Aihua Guo <aihuaguo.ietf@gmail.com>, "Sergio Belotti (Nokia)" <sergio.belotti@nokia.com>
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Subject: [CCAMP]Re: [Teas] Re: Re: Missing switching-types for WSON and flexi-grid: WG LC comment for RFC 8776-bis or RFC 9093-bis
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I believe the hierarchy you depict is what inheritance is made for.
Short rationale: LSC is WDM at large, WSON-LSC is specialized for fixed-grid, Flexi-grid-LSC is specialized for flexi-grid.
Diving into our GMPLS documents:
- LSC was defined in RFC 3471: the label was only an unstructured 32-bit field and no LSC-specific info was specified for OSPF in RFC 4203;
- The WSON work specified some sub-TLVs for OSPF (RFC 7688) and pointed to RFC 6205 (entitled "Generalized Labels for LSC LSRs") as a label encoding (cf. RFC 7689);
- The flexi-grid work then specified the relevant extensions into the signaling (RFC 7792), including the label (RFC 7699 entitled "Generalized Labels for the Flexi-Grid in LSC LSRs") and flexi-specific info in OSPF (RFC 8363).
As a result, it seems to me that WSON and Flexi-grid were both progressed as specific sub-cases within the LSC familly, which can be reflected in YANG types.
Thanks Aihua for the suggestion
IMHO, if there is a hierarchical relationship between LSC and WSON-LSC/Flexi-Grid-LSC, it is a good idea to reflect it into YANG
However, since I was not an active IETF participants at the time these three LSCs (and the LSC in RFC 3471 in particular) have been defined, I am not sure that this hierarchical relationship exists or not
Can other experts in CCAMP/TEAS WGs confirm whether there is a hierarchical relationship between LSC and WSON-LSC/Flexi-Grid-LSC?
Thanks, Italo
From: Aihua Guo <aihuaguo.ietf@gmail.com>
Sent: martedì 12 novembre 2024 16:50
+1 for RFC9093bis. Also, for WSON-LSC and flexi-grid LSC, the base identity should be LSC.
On Tue, Nov 12, 2024 at 10:02 AM Sergio Belotti (Nokia) <sergio.belotti=40nokia.com@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniele Ceccarelli (dceccare) <dceccare=40cisco.com@dmarc.ietf.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2024 2:28 PM
> CAUTION: This is an external email. Please be very careful when clicking links or
> opening attachments. See the URL http://nok.it/ext" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">nok.it/ext for additional information.
> +1
> Cheers
> Daniele
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tom petch <ietfa@btconnect.com>
> Sent: Saturday, November 9, 2024 1:06 PM
> To: Italo Busi <Italo.Busi=40huawei.com@dmarc.ietf.org>; teas@ietf.org;
> ccamp@ietf.org
> Subject: [CCAMP]Re: Missing switching-types for WSON and flexi-grid: WG LC
> comment for RFC 8776-bis or RFC 9093-bis
> From: Italo Busi <Italo.Busi=40huawei.com@dmarc.ietf.org>
> Sent: 09 November 2024 11:18
> I have recently noted that there are no standardized YANG identities that could be
> used to represent the WSON-LSC, defined in RFC 7688, and flexi-grid LSC, defined
> in RFC 8363
> I am not sure whether these identities are better defined in TE Types (RFC 8776-
> bis) or Layer0 Types (RFC 9093-bis) YANG models but since both drafts are in WG
> LC we can fix in either was this gap
> My personal preference is to add them to RFC 9093-bis in order to avoid the need
> to update TE Types any time a new technology-specific switching type or LSP
> encoding type is defined
> What do you think?
> <tp>
> I agree
> Tom Petch
> Italo
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- [CCAMP]Missing switching-types for WSON and flexi… Italo Busi
- [CCAMP]Re: Missing switching-types for WSON and f… tom petch
- [CCAMP]Re: Missing switching-types for WSON and f… julien.meuric
- [CCAMP]Re: Missing switching-types for WSON and f… Daniele Ceccarelli (dceccare)
- [CCAMP]Re: Missing switching-types for WSON and f… Sergio Belotti (Nokia)
- [CCAMP]Re: Missing switching-types for WSON and f… Aihua Guo
- [CCAMP]Re: Missing switching-types for WSON and f… Italo Busi
- [CCAMP]Re: Missing switching-types for WSON and f… julien.meuric
- [CCAMP]Re: Missing switching-types for WSON and f… Italo Busi
- [CCAMP]Re: [Teas] Re: Re: Missing switching-types… julien.meuric
- [CCAMP]Re: [Teas] Re: Re: Missing switching-types… Sergio Belotti (Nokia)