[CCAMP] What is an Erratum?
"Adrian Farrel" <adrian@olddog.co.uk> Thu, 02 August 2012 21:08 UTC
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From: Adrian Farrel <adrian@olddog.co.uk>
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Subject: [CCAMP] What is an Erratum?
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Hi, <AD hat on, and trying to keep clear of my views on the details of the RFC 4872 erratum> There seems to be some doubt about what to use an Erratum for. http://www.rfc-editor.org/status_type_desc.html shows the two types of Erratum: Technical: Error in the technical content (Note that changes in the usage of RFC 2119 keywords are considered technical.) Editorial: A spelling, grammar, punctuation, or syntax error that does not affect the technical meaning. IMHO the issue for RFC 4872 does not fall into either category. You have some proposed additional / revised text that you believe would make the document easier to understand, but which (if captured correctly) would not change the technical meaning. That is not an Editorial Erratum. We fix this type of error by capturing the understanding on the mailing list, or by writing an Informational RFC that adds an explanation. OTOH, if the belief is that there is an error in the technical content of the document such that the proposed change will change the technical consequences of the document, then this also does not feel into either category since it is not a documentation error, but a content error. We fix this type of error by writing an Update or by rev'ing the RFC. http://www.ietf.org/iesg/statement/errata-processing.html gives further guidelines about how the IESG will treat errata that it receives. Lastly, you might want to catch up with the thread "RFC Errata: when to file, and when not to" on the IETF Discussion list. The observation there is that the Errata System is not a place to raise tickets for things to be included in future revisions. Your working group has access to a trouble ticket system for that type of thing. Cheers, Adrian
- [CCAMP] What is an Erratum? Adrian Farrel