[CCAMP] Summary of draft-ali-ccamp-gmpls-uni-error-notification-00
"Matt Hartley (mhartley)" <mhartley@cisco.com> Wed, 31 July 2013 07:08 UTC
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From: "Matt Hartley (mhartley)" <mhartley@cisco.com>
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Thread-Topic: Summary of draft-ali-ccamp-gmpls-uni-error-notification-00
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Subject: [CCAMP] Summary of draft-ali-ccamp-gmpls-uni-error-notification-00
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Problem statements ================== This draft addresses two issues with GMPLS-UNI. 1. When a Path-Error message is generated, a node can add an IP address to identify the source of the error. If this happens within a core network, this may be a problem if the core's policy is to avoid allowing any information about the core topology to propagate outside the core. 2. if a failure for an established GMPLS-UNI LSP occurs within the core and is repaired, there's no way for the UNI-C control plane to know that the repair has occurred. CCAMP relevance =============== This is a simple extension to GMPLS-UNI, and therefore falls within CCAMP's charter. Solutions ========= 1. Allow a node to change the IP address in a Path-Error message to an address that it owns, in order to conceal the core topology/address from the upstream node(s). 2. Define a new Path-Error Notify subcode so that a notification of LSP repair can be sent.
- [CCAMP] Summary of draft-ali-ccamp-gmpls-uni-erro… Matt Hartley (mhartley)