[CCAMP] Re : Poll on making draft-ogrcetal-ccamp-flexi-grid-fwk-03 a WG document

fu.xihua@zte.com.cn Tue, 17 September 2013 01:18 UTC

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Subject: [CCAMP] Re : Poll on making draft-ogrcetal-ccamp-flexi-grid-fwk-03 a WG document
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Yes/Suppor (as coauthor)

"BRUNGARD, DEBORAH A" <db3546@att.com> 
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2013-09-17 上午 03:34

"ccamp@ietf.org" <ccamp@ietf.org>

[CCAMP] Poll on making draft-ogrcetal-ccamp-flexi-grid-fwk-03 a WG 

This is to start a two week poll on making 
draft-ogrcetal-ccamp-flexi-grid-fwk-03 a ccamp working group document. 
Please send email to the list indicating “yes/support” or “no/do not 
support”. If indicating no, please state your technical reservations with 
the document.
The poll ends Monday, September 30th.
Deborah and Lou
CCAMP mailing list