[CCAMP]Re: Call for adoption of draft-gstk-ccamp-actn-optical-transport-mgmt (Ending by 25/11/2024)

Italo Busi <Italo.Busi@huawei.com> Mon, 25 November 2024 09:10 UTC

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From: Italo Busi <Italo.Busi@huawei.com>
To: LUIS MIGUEL CONTRERAS MURILLO <luismiguel.contrerasmurillo@telefonica.com>, CCAMP <ccamp@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Call for adoption of draft-gstk-ccamp-actn-optical-transport-mgmt (Ending by 25/11/2024)
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I support WG adoption of this document

The YANG models for abstract control of optical networks are getting mature and I think it is now the time to take steps forward and start working on other network management aspects (including fault and performance management) for optical networks


From: LUIS MIGUEL CONTRERAS MURILLO <luismiguel.contrerasmurillo@telefonica.com>
Sent: domenica 10 novembre 2024 11:51
To: CCAMP <ccamp@ietf.org>
Cc: draft-gstk-ccamp-actn-optical-transport-mgmt@ietf.org; ccamp-chairs@ietf.org
Subject: [CCAMP]Call for adoption of draft-gstk-ccamp-actn-optical-transport-mgmt (Ending by 25/11/2024)

Hi all,

This message starts a 2-week call for adoption of https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-gstk-ccamp-actn-optical-transport-mgmt/.

Please, reply to this message (copying ccamp@ietf.org<mailto:ccamp@ietf.org>) by indicating whether you support or not the adoption of this draft. Comments to motivate your position are highly appreciated.

Regarding IPR polling, we have received IPR responses [1] from every Author and Contributor.

This call for adoption will run till November 25th.

Thank you

Luis (on behalf of CCAMP chairs)

[1] In https://wiki.ietf.org/group/ccamp: Concluded IPR polling -> WG adoption IPR polling -> 2024-11 - draft-gstk-ccamp-actn-optical-transport-mgmt-05


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