[CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-lsp-attribute-ero-02 a WG document
Lou Berger <lberger@labn.net> Fri, 07 December 2012 20:49 UTC
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Subject: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-lsp-attribute-ero-02 a WG document
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All, This is to start a two week poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-lsp-attribute-ero-02 a ccamp working group document. Please send mail to the list indicating "yes/support" or "no/do not support". If indicating no, please state your technical reservations with the document. The poll ends Friday December 21. Much thanks, Lou (and Deborah) PS We're still waiting on one IPR statement.
- [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-lsp-a… Lou Berger
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Eric Gray
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Leeyoung
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Oscar González de Dios
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Mach Chen
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Margaria, Cyril (NSN - DE/Munich)
- Re: [CCAMP] poll onmaking draft-margaria-ccamp-ls… Sprecher, Nurit (NSN - IL/Hod HaSharon)
- Re: [CCAMP] poll onmaking draft-margaria-ccamp-ls… Margaria, Cyril (NSN - DE/Munich)
- Re: [CCAMP] poll onmaking draft-margaria-ccamp-ls… Jie Dong
- Re: [CCAMP] poll onmaking draft-margaria-ccamp-ls… Ramon Casellas
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Jonathan Hardwick
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Steve Balls
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Dhruv Dhody
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Gabriele Maria Galimberti (ggalimbe)
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Zhangxian (Xian)
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… John E Drake
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [CCAMP] poll onmaking draft-margaria-ccamp-ls… Margaria, Cyril (NSN - DE/Munich)
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Giovanni Martinelli (giomarti)
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… zhang.fei3
- Re: [CCAMP] poll on making draft-margaria-ccamp-l… Lou Berger