[CCAMP] Follow up to routing area reorg

Lou Berger <lberger@labn.net> Fri, 25 July 2014 15:16 UTC

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    As described in yesterday's routing area meeting, see
http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/90/slides/slides-90-rtgarea-3.ppt, our
ADs have initiated some changes that will impact CCAMP.  As presented,
technology specific work will remain in ccamp. The other details of
these changes will be flushed out as part of the forthcoming charter
drafting / revising.

As our AD's have stated, it is important that these changes do not stop
us from making progress.  In this week's meetings we discussed actions
related to  a number of individual drafts that we don't expect to be
impacted by the changes.  In particular, we discussed planned updates,
and subsequent adoption polls, of the following drafts:

>     11 - draft-martinelli-ccamp-wson-iv-info
>     12 - draft-dharinigert-ccamp-g-698-2-lmp
>     13 - draft-galikunze-ccamp-g-698-2-snmp-mib
>     17 - draft-ali-ccamp-otn-signal-type-subregistry
>     18 - draft-ali-ccamp-additional-signal-type-g709v3

Please do your updates as discussed and we should be able to poll these
documents, as planned.  (Hopefully in time to allow for the discussed
liaison to ITU-T.)

Importantly, work on WG drafts should also continue as discussed/planned.

We hope that this addresses the questions we received offline. If you
still have questions, please feel free to send them to the list -- or
privately if you prefer.

Deborah and Lou