Re: [CCAMP] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ccamp-flexigrid-lambda-label-01.txt

Huub van Helvoort <> Fri, 27 June 2014 14:40 UTC

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Subject: Re: [CCAMP] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ccamp-flexigrid-lambda-label-01.txt
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Hello Eve,

I fully agree with your assertion.

Best regards, Huub.

> Hi,
> I think it does make sense to address the first four questions to ITU-T Q6/15 and Q12/15, as I feel there is still some confusion and the questions are data plane specific.
> Best regards,
> Eve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CCAMP [] On Behalf Of Fatai Zhang
> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 1:00 AM
> To: Iftekhar Hussain;
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [CCAMP] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ccamp-flexigrid-lambda-label-01.txt
> Hi Iftekhar,
> I would like to address your comments if I can.
> I am serious and I personally think that these should be addressed in ITU-T SG15.
> I would be much happy to see if there is someone from CCAMP can answer these questions.
> Best Regards
> Fatai
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Iftekhar Hussain []
> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 11:58 AM
> To: Fatai Zhang;
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: [CCAMP] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ccamp-flexigrid-lambda-label-01.txt
> Hi Fatai,
> What do you mean by this? Seriously, I am surprised by your response.  So when you don't want to address comments juts punt to ITU :) If that is the case I would echo Malcom's concern.
> Thanks,
> Iftekhar
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fatai Zhang []
> Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 8:53 PM
> To: Iftekhar Hussain;
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: [CCAMP] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ccamp-flexigrid-lambda-label-01.txt
> Hi Iftekhar,
> For your first 4 questions, I don't think CCAMP experts can answer, and they should go to ITU-T, :-)
> Best Regards
> Fatai
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CCAMP [] On Behalf Of Iftekhar Hussain
> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 5:33 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [CCAMP] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ccamp-flexigrid-lambda-label-01.txt
> Hi Adrian,
> Thanks for the reply. Okay, so understood that ITU already have defined the data plane requirements for grouping of flexible grid frequency slots.
>   So then is correct to state that the following is already defined in ITU data plane:
> 1. Are there any specific Latency/differential delay constraints to group adjacent slots?
> 2. Are there any constraints/limit on how many of these slots are allowed to be grouped?
> 3. Can the signal carried by these frequency slots must have the same modulation format or different?
> 4   What type of signals can be mapped to these frequency slots?
> On the use case the composite label is addressing:
> 5. What is the use case and what are the use case requirements?
> 6. Are there any implications of this grouping to route computations?
> 7. What type of client signals 100G, 200G, etc. this solution is addressing.
> Suggest if you would like to keep this section in this document, address the above comments either via adding specific references to ITU spec and adding some further information in the intended use case.
> Thanks,
> Iftekhar
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adrian Farrel []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 10:48 AM
> To: Iftekhar Hussain
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: [CCAMP] I-D Action: draft-ietf-ccamp-flexigrid-lambda-label-01.txt
> Hi Iftekhar,
>> Clarification for the composite label portion:
>> So does this mean that:
>> a) we are moving ahead with control plane solution ahead of ITU data
>> plane definitions ?
>> b) or that the ITU data plane has already defined all the data plane
>> aspects
> for the
>> composite label use case?
>> If it is case (b) - no issue.  However, if it is case (a) shouldn't we
>> wait
> for ITU
>> before proposing solutions?
> I thought the text was clear, but I would be happy to add more clarification.
> We currently have:
> Section 1
>     This document relies on [G.694.1] for the definition of the optical
>     data plane and does not make any updates to the work of the ITU-T in
>     that regard.
> Section 2.1
>     The slots in the set could potentially be contiguous or non-
>     contiguous (as allowed by the definitions of the data plane) and
>     could be signaled as a single LSP or constructed from a group of
>     LSPs.
> --- Maybe the parentheses are not clear and should say "(only as
>     allowed...."
> Section 4.3
>     At the time of writing [G.694.1] only supports only groupings of
>     adjacent slots (i.e., without intervening unused slots that could be
>     used for other purposes) of identical width (same value of m), and
>     the component slots must be in increasing order of frequency (i.e.,
>     increasing order of the value n).  The mechanism defined here MUST
>     NOT be used for other forms of grouping unless and until those forms
>     are defined and documented in Recommendations published by the ITU-T.
> So...
> Case b)
>>   I  disagree with the assertion "more formal discussion of media
>> channels and network media channels and their arrangement for inverse
>> multiplexing belongs in the framework" .  I believe this document
>> should  elaborate on the use case
> for
>> which the solution is being proposed.
> I would be happy to be guided by the WG and see proposed text. Personally I have nothing to add here, but if you have then please show it to us.
> Maybe it would also help to say why you think this explanation should go in this document (which is not the first in the series) rather than in the more general discussion document that is the framework. I note that the framework already goes into some considerable detail about what media channels and network media channels are in the context of flexigrid.
> Ciao,
> Adrian
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