Re: [CCAMP] Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp-diversity
"George Swallow (swallow)" <> Thu, 12 September 2013 20:16 UTC
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From: "George Swallow (swallow)" <>
To: "Zafar Ali (zali)" <>, "Matt Hartley (mhartley)" <>, "BRUNGARD, DEBORAH A" <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp-diversity
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Subject: Re: [CCAMP] Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp-diversity
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Same here. Just the one disclosed earlier as noted by Matt. George From: "Zafar Ali (zali)" <<>> Date: Thursday, September 12, 2013 2:55 PM To: "Matt Hartley (mhartley)" <<>>, "BRUNGARD, DEBORAH A (ATTLABS)" <<>>, "<>" <<>> Cc: "<>" <<>> Subject: Re: Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp-diversity Resent-From: <<>> Resent-To: Clarence Filsfils <<>>, <<>>, Julien Meuric <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, George Swallow <<>>, <<>> Resent-Date: Thursday, September 12, 2013 2:57 PM Hi All- I am unaware of any other IPR then the one already noted by Matt in the following. Thanks Regards … Zafar From: "Matt Hartley (mhartley)" <<>> Date: Monday, August 12, 2013 10:54 AM To: "BRUNGARD, DEBORAH A" <<>>, "<>" <<>> Cc: "<>" <<>>, "Matt Hartley (mhartley)" <<>> Subject: RE: Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp-diversity Resent-From: <<>> Resent-To: <<>>, <<>>, "<>" <<>>, "<>" <<>>, <<>>, <<>>, "<>" <<>>, <<>>, zali <<>> Resent-Date: Monday, August 12, 2013 10:54 AM I’m aware of IPR that applies to this draft. It has been disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR rules. It was originally disclosed when this draft was adopted by the WG and can be found at Cheers Matt From: BRUNGARD, DEBORAH A [] Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 2:07 PM To:<> Cc:<> Subject: Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp-diversity Authors, Contributors, (CCAMP) As part of the preparation for WG Last Call: Are you aware of any IPR that applies to draft identified above? Please state either: "No, I'm not aware of any IPR that applies to this draft" or "Yes, I'm aware of IPR that applies to this draft" If so, has this IPR been disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR rules (see RFCs 3979, 4879, 3669 and 5378 for more details)? If yes to the above, please state either: "Yes, the IPR has been disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR rules" or "No, the IPR has not been disclosed" If you answer no, please provide any additional details you think appropriate. If you are listed as a document author or contributor please answer the above by responding to this email regardless of whether or not you are aware of any relevant IPR. This document will not advance to the next stage until a response has been received from each author and listed contributor. NOTE: THIS APPLIES TO ALL OF YOU LISTED IN THIS MESSAGE'S TO LINES. If you are on the CCAMP WG email list but are not listed as an author or contributor, we remind you of your obligations under the IETF IPR rules which encourages you to notify the IETF if you are aware of IPR of others on an IETF contribution, or to refrain from participating in any contribution or discussion related to your undisclosed IPR. For more information, please see the RFCs listed above and Thank you, CCAMP WG Chairs PS Please include all listed in the headers of this message in your response.
- [CCAMP] Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp-div… BRUNGARD, DEBORAH A
- Re: [CCAMP] Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp… Matt Hartley (mhartley)
- Re: [CCAMP] Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp… Kenji Kumaki
- Re: [CCAMP] Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp… Julien Meuric
- Re: [CCAMP] Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp… Zafar Ali (zali)
- Re: [CCAMP] Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp… George Swallow (swallow)
- Re: [CCAMP] Regarding IPR on draft-ietf-ccamp-lsp… Gabriele Maria Galimberti (ggalimbe)