[CCAMP] Solicit feedback on draft-ietf-ccamp-rsvp-te-li-lb-03 and ask for WG last call
"Dongjie (Jimmy)" <jie.dong@huawei.com> Tue, 05 August 2014 07:35 UTC
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From: "Dongjie (Jimmy)" <jie.dong@huawei.com>
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Thread-Topic: Solicit feedback on draft-ietf-ccamp-rsvp-te-li-lb-03 and ask for WG last call
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Subject: [CCAMP] Solicit feedback on draft-ietf-ccamp-rsvp-te-li-lb-03 and ask for WG last call
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Dear CCAMPers, Since draft-ietf-ccamp-rsvp-te-li-lb-03 is getting stable, the authors would like to know if there is any concern about this draft from the WG, and would like to ask the chairs for WG last call on this draft. Your feedbacks are always welcome. FYI. Here is the status update we sent to the list before IETF90 meeting: "The latest version v-03 was submitted in April, which only has some editorial changes. Since this draft becomes stable, in next step the authors would like to ask for WG last call on this draft." Best regards, Jie (on behalf of co-authors)
- [CCAMP] Solicit feedback on draft-ietf-ccamp-rsvpā¦ Dongjie (Jimmy)