[CCAMP] WG Last Call: g709-framework, g709-info-model, ospf-g709v3, signaling-g709v3

Lou Berger <lberger@labn.net> Mon, 08 October 2012 20:47 UTC

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Subject: [CCAMP] WG Last Call: g709-framework, g709-info-model, ospf-g709v3, signaling-g709v3
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This mail begins a two week working group last call on:



(Standards Track)

(Standards Track)

This working group last call ends on October 22.  Comments should be
sent to the CCAMP mailing list.  Please remember to include the
technical basis for any comments.

Please note that we're still missing a few IPR statements, and look
for these to come in during the LC period.  Any forthcoming publication
request will be delayed by late IPR statements/disclosures.

Thank you,
Lou (and Deborah)