[CCAMP] IANA-related comments draft-ietf-ccamp-wson-signaling
"Matt Hartley (mhartley)" <mhartley@cisco.com> Tue, 29 July 2014 19:06 UTC
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From: "Matt Hartley (mhartley)" <mhartley@cisco.com>
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Subject: [CCAMP] IANA-related comments draft-ietf-ccamp-wson-signaling
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Authors, A couple of things on the IANA section in this doc. I'm not actually sure what the right thing to do is in either case - perhaps the Chairs could offer guidance if need be? First: in the new "Values for Wavelength Assignment Method field in WavelengthSelection Sub-TLV" registry, would it be worth specifying a small range of values for Experimental Use (or any of the other categories, for that matter)? Note that I don't have any proposal for what might be done with these; I'm just thinking that they may come in useful in the future. Second: the new Path-error subcodes in this doc have been assigned values already (not even marked as "suggested". Have you got early allocation of these? Or should they become TBD until IANA formally assigns them? Just wondering, since we're going through the same stuff with the SRLG-collection draft... Cheers Matt
- [CCAMP] IANA-related comments draft-ietf-ccamp-ws… Matt Hartley (mhartley)
- Re: [CCAMP] IANA-related comments draft-ietf-ccam… Giovanni Martinelli (giomarti)
- Re: [CCAMP] IANA-related comments draft-ietf-ccam… Lou Berger
- Re: [CCAMP] IANA-related comments draft-ietf-ccam… Matt Hartley (mhartley)
- Re: [CCAMP] IANA-related comments draft-ietf-ccam… Lou Berger
- Re: [CCAMP] IANA-related comments draft-ietf-ccam… Leeyoung