[CCAMP] draft-wright-ccamp-op-policy-prot-links
"Adrian Farrel" <adrian@olddog.co.uk> Sat, 06 July 2013 22:42 UTC
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From: Adrian Farrel <adrian@olddog.co.uk>
To: draft-wright-ccamp-op-policy-prot-links@tools.ietf.org
Date: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 23:41:55 +0100
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Subject: [CCAMP] draft-wright-ccamp-op-policy-prot-links
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Hi, As I read this I-D, you are saying two things. 1. You want a way to advertise in an IGP that a link is supposed to have some level of inherent protection, but that that protection is not currently present. This is, of course, easy to achieve, but not easy to understand or use. How will the path computing system understand the estimated repair time for the impaired protection? When a path is computed that wants some level of protection, it is possible that "allow impaired protection" is a computation constraint, but it would seem to be nonsense if the repair time is going to be long. Maybe you could add some flesh to the I-D in terms of a deployment example. 2. You want a way to notify the head end of an LSP that there has been a degradation of the LSP, and a way to let it know that things are back to normal. Have you considered: a. running OAM on your LSP b. using RFC 4783 Ciao, Adrian
- [CCAMP] draft-wright-ccamp-op-policy-prot-links Adrian Farrel
- Re: [CCAMP] draft-wright-ccamp-op-policy-prot-lin… Ben Wright
- Re: [CCAMP] draft-wright-ccamp-op-policy-prot-lin… Julien Meuric
- Re: [CCAMP] draft-wright-ccamp-op-policy-prot-lin… Ben Wright