[CCAMP] CAMP Agenda Requests for IETF 87
Lou Berger <lberger@labn.net> Sat, 29 June 2013 14:48 UTC
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Subject: [CCAMP] CAMP Agenda Requests for IETF 87
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Hello, Per https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/87/agenda.html CCAMP has been *tentatively* scheduled for: 1300-1500 CEST Wednesday Afternoon Session I 1120-1330 CEST Friday Afternoon Session Yes, we are currently scheduled for a Friday afternoon meeting for the second IETF in a row. Given the current set of conflicts, and that there are 15 BoFs, we are unlikely to see any change in time slots. We are also getting some pressure (from our AD) to meet only 1 session. Our past workload certainly would have precluded this. But, given that the 709, OAM and (hopefully) WSON topics should not need any meeting time in Berlin, a single session may be possible. Keeping this in mind: Authors of active working group documents should plan on presenting status (briefly, including recent changes), open issues/discussion topics and planned next steps at the meeting. Alternatively, an update can be provided via e-mail to the list in the *week prior* to the meeting. Agenda Requests: - To submit a request, please reply to this message, keeping all individuals listed. Include/exclude ccamp as you wish. - Please send your request no later than Sunday, July 14. For each slot please state: + Presenter + Draft title (e.g. Traffic Engineering Extensions to OSPF for Generalized MPLS (GMPLS)Control of Evolving G.709 OTN Networks) + Draft URL on tools server (e.g. http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft- ietf-ccamp-gmpls-ospf-g709v3-05) + Desired length of presentation Presentations: If you are presenting slides please make sure you send them to all *individuals* listed above (and exclude ccamp) no later than Sunday, July 28. Reminder about a few important dates: - 2013-07-08 (Monday): Internet Draft Cut-off for initial document (-00) submission by UTC 24:00, - 2013-07-15 (Monday): Internet Draft final submission cut-off by UTC 24:00 - 2013-07-17 (Wednesday): Draft Working Group agendas due by UTC 24:00 - 2013-07-22 (Monday): Revised Working Group agendas due by UTC 24:00 Much thanks, Lou (and Deborah)
- [CCAMP] CAMP Agenda Requests for IETF 87 Lou Berger
- [CCAMP] 答复: CAMP Agenda Requests for IETF 87 Fatai Zhang
- Re: [CCAMP] 答复: CAMP Agenda Requests for IETF 87 Lou Berger