[CCAMP] Review request for draft-zhang-ccamp-gmpls-uni-app
"Zhangxian (Xian)" <zhang.xian@huawei.com> Mon, 01 July 2013 14:59 UTC
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From: "Zhangxian (Xian)" <zhang.xian@huawei.com>
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Dear Chairs and Working Group, draft-zhang-ccamp-gmpls-uni-app is presented last time to show how techniques developed after RFC4208 can help with scenarios using UNI, such as PCE helping with path computation across UNI. It is well received and Chair suggested it should be discussed together with other drafts. Different from the overlay topic which was discussed a lot(allowing routing and signaling messages across the interface), the draft confines itself for UNI (only signaling). This draft has already provide a rich set of use cases. However, in light of the extensions made to RSVP-TE in the working group, we also plan to add a section on the following functions which can be performed over UNI: 1) Requiring TE-metric collection, such as delay, SRLG etc. 2) Specifying constraints on the LSP established across UNI; such as delay etc. Is there other use cases this draft should also contain? We would like to request for comments/suggestions on moving this draft forward. Please feel free to discuss online/offline. Thank you. Best Regards, Xian (on behalf of all authors)
- [CCAMP] Review request for draft-zhang-ccamp-gmpl… Zhangxian (Xian)