[Cfrg] authenticated encryption with replay protection (AERO) - internet draft
David McGrew <mcgrew@cisco.com> Fri, 03 January 2014 00:41 UTC
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Cc: "John Foley (foleyj)" <foleyj@cisco.com>
Subject: [Cfrg] authenticated encryption with replay protection (AERO) - internet draft
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Hi CFRG, I have a new proposal for authenticated encryption, which is particularly well suited for communication security. An internet draft describing the idea has been published at http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-mcgrew-aero-00 and I would like to request a slot at the upcoming CFRG meeting to present this work. (I am assuming that we will be meeting in London in March along with IETF 89). I alluded to this work on the thread about misuse resistant authenticated encryption earlier today. From the draft: Authenticated Encryption with Replay prOtection (AERO) This document describes Authenticated Encryption with Replay prOtection (AERO), a cryptographic technique that provides all of the essential security services needed for communication security. AERO offers several advantages over other methods: it has more compact messages, provides stronger misuse resistance, avoids the need to manage implicit state, and is simpler to use. This document defines a particular AERO algorithm as well as a registry for such algorithms. Comments are welcome, and I especially encourage discussion about the appropriate goals for authenticated encryption. The draft explains the rationale well enough, I believe, though it does not mention decryption misuse. I will send a separate note on that topic. A formal proof of security has not yet been published, but is believed to be possible, and the draft does include a security analysis. Just for the sake of formality - in requesting this review and a slot at the upcoming meeting, I am acting as a CFRG member and not a chair. David
- [Cfrg] authenticated encryption with replay prote… David McGrew
- Re: [Cfrg] authenticated encryption with replay p… Watson Ladd
- Re: [Cfrg] authenticated encryption with replay p… Robert Ransom
- Re: [Cfrg] authenticated encryption with replay p… David McGrew