Re: [Cfrg] review of draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke-05
Christopher Wood <> Sat, 15 August 2020 14:01 UTC
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Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2020 07:00:59 -0700
From: Christopher Wood <>
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Subject: Re: [Cfrg] review of draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke-05
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Thanks for the feedback, Stephen! Please see inline below. On Mon, Aug 10, 2020, at 10:22 AM, Stephen Farrell wrote: > > I implemented draft -02 and will be doing -05 shortly. I > didn't yet do that so haven't verified the test vectors. > Will follow up if any issues arise. Excellent. Suggestions for improving the test vector format are also welcome, should you find it problematic when testing. > The thing to ponder relates to the IANA considerations. > Why not add a "recommended" column a la TLS. The RG can > hand over responsibility to some DEs appointed by the IESG > and call for the same setup as TLS. (I.e. other than > the initial values recommended == yes requires IETF > standards track, otherwise spec required.) If we don't > do that then applications using HPKE will always each > need to say which suites are MUSTs, leading to IMO mostly > pointless variation and possibly worsening interop if > libraries implement disjoint sets of suites. Interesting suggestion. I filed this issue to track it: > Minor comments: > > - Is random() needed? it only seems to be used in the > context of "DeriveKeyPair(random(Nsk))" It's just a utility function, so it seems appropriate to define along with the others. > - Do we really need to s/HPKE-05/RFCXXXX/ later? Why not > just change to "HPKE-first-rfc" once the RG are done with > the document? (There can be delays @ IRSG and subsequently > that I'd prefer not have to affect interop.) This was done to ensure each draft version (going forward) is incompatible. We probably should have done this from the start. > - p7 & elsewhere: refers to "HPKE-05 " - that space seems > like a bad idea. I missed it until I got to p27. And > it's not consistently present and the text is ambiguous as > to whether the replacement ought be "RFCXXXX" > or "RFCXXXX " Hmm, the replacement text says, 'replace "HPKE-05" with "RFCXXXX"', which should yield the correct result when piped through sed. That said, the extra space probably isn't needed. We can remove it: > - It strikes me as odd to not have any identifier for the > public key being used but to have one for the PSK being > used. If allowing the application to handle that for > public keys works, why won't that work for PSKs? Well, the identifier for the public key is typically the public key. This doesn't work for PSKs. > - DeriveKeyPair() for NIST curves requires the HPKE code > to know the order of the various NIST curves. That seems > like the kind of thing where bugs might arise that > wouldn't be noticed much. I also don't think many crypto > APIs would provide a ``get_order_as_integer(curve_id)`` > function, so using the wrong value would seem not > unlikely. I'd say maybe add the values to use here > somewhere for each curve. If not in 7.1.2 then put in a > forward reference. Perhaps also say what can happen if the > wrong value for "order" is used. That's a good suggestion. We can just list the orders for each of these curves: > - p29: I'm not sure why section 8.8 is useful here. I think > it'd be better deleted TBH - it might muddy the definition > of "signature" for some people and doesn't seem to add much > as-is. That's reasonable. I filed an issue to discuss removing it: > nits: <snip> I filed this issue to track the nits: Thanks again! Best, Chris
- [Cfrg] review of draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke-05 Stephen Farrell
- Re: [Cfrg] review of draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke-05 Christopher Wood
- Re: [Cfrg] review of draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke-05 Stephen Farrell
- Re: [Cfrg] review of draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke-05 Manger, James
- Re: [Cfrg] review of draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke-05 Ilari Liusvaara