Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informational RFCs
Feng Hao <> Wed, 16 November 2016 15:50 UTC
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From: Feng Hao <>
To: Watson Ladd <>
Thread-Topic: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informational RFCs
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Subject: Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informational RFCs
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Hi Watson, >-----Original Message----- >From: Watson Ladd [] >Sent: 16 November 2016 15:18 >To: Feng Hao <> >Cc: >Subject: Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informational RFCs > >On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 2:25 AM, Feng Hao <> >wrote: >> Hi Watson, >> >> On your comments about comparing costs between SPAKE2 and J-PAKE >> >> * It's not a fair comparison as the setup assumptions are different. SPAKE2 >requires a trusted setup, while J-PAKE doesn't. Instead, you should compare >SPAKE2 with KOY, Jiang-Gong and GL protocols as they require the same >trusted setup. J-PAKE should be compared with EKE, SPEKE and Dragonfly >(which is based on SPEKE). > >Different setup assumptions do not make it impossible to compare different >protocols. OK. I said "fair", not "impossible". >> * When you say "SPAKE2 with M and N generated by hashing is secure, >> and the proofs found in the SPAKE2 paper do work", it's best that you >write up the full details how you do the hashing, proofs that why it's secure >and why it doesn't affect the original proofs in the SPAKE2 paper in any way. >Then people can check and verify your proofs instead of having to take your >word for it. I see you are always rigorous in asking "security proofs" from >others for everything they do (which is good), so you should consider >applying the same rigor to yourself. > >This a) cannot be done with standard foundations and b) is a trivial exercise >with any kind of ideal hash/ROM model. I'll sit down and do it, but while >drafting this email someone went and did it. Cool. Btw, nothing is really "trivial" in the design of a protocol. Any small change may have profound effects. This is why I suggest you to write it down in full detail, and ideally get it in a peer-reviewed publication if that's possible so there is a fixed version of the spec as the basis for technical discussion. >> * The KOY, Jiang-Gong and GL papers are relevant as they are the same >type of CRS-based designs as SPAKE2. These papers state that the setup >needs to be done by a trusted party and they don't specify using a hash. >> SPAKE2 is in the same model. It's appropriate you compare these protocols >and definitions. This is necessary especially since you're doing something not >specified in the original SPAKE2 paper and other related peer-reviewed >papers. > >Except I'm not interested in writing a review paper. I'm interested in looking >at all the proposals before us for PAKE, and determining which should be >promoted. >> >> * You will need to convince IETF users that there is no possibility >> of trapdoor for M and N (which may prove a bit tricky). Knowledge (or >partial knowledge) of the relation between M and N may allow one to >systematically break all instances of the protocol execution. >> >> * Kindly note that if you can manage to convince IETF users that M and N >are completely random, one might just plug M and N as the input of two >random points to DUAL_EC and make it work? > >Are you aware that DUAL_EC included a point generation mechanism that, if >used, would have completely avoided the backdoor? Do you think that the >hashing argument presented downthread is wrong. If that works completely, why not reuse it instead of inventing your own? >> * What you say about the 4 exponentiations in the subgroup is correct >(consistent with the original paper), but this hasn't included the validation >of the public key (which is free in EC but takes one full exponentiation in the >finite field setting). See my further comment below. > >The next part of my email did describe the validation costs: 1 >exponentiation per element to be validated. That is not a full >exponentation: if the subgroup is the unique subgroup of order q in the >finite field, we need only check x^q=1. I said the validation doubled the cost >of SPAKE2: this is not exactly right, as only one point needs to be validated. OK. Michel just clarified. >> >> I read again the original SPAKE2 paper as well as your I-D. I have the >> following comments >> >> * I think SPAKE2 is underspecified in the original paper. It doesn't state >the requirements for M and N, but it should be clear that they must be >completely random. Also, it doesn't state if the discrete logarithm between >M and g (and symmetrically between M and g) must be unknown. It's not >immediately clear to me if knowledge of the discrete logarithm for M and g >will break anything, but all these should have been explicitly specified in the >paper. >> >> * I'm a bit worried that in the actual protocol specification in the original >paper, there is no step to perform public key validation. This could be due to >two reasons: 1) an inadvertent omission by the authors; 2) an intentional >design choice. In case of ambiguity like this, one normally takes it as the >latter. The reason is simple: if public key validation is considered essential, it >MUST be clearly specified, which is the case with most key agreement >protocols. However, from early 2000s, some researchers called for >abandoning the public key validation, as long as the protocol has formal >security proofs (HMQV is one notable example, but it backfired in the end). > >The draft completely specifies an equivalent protection. This is the reason >we use the cofactor. I believe I explicitly required on-curve checks, but will >make it more clear if you don't think so. > >> >> * The above observation reminds me of a paper " Multi-Factor >Authenticated Key Exchange" by Poincheval and Zimmer in 2008 [1] where >the protocol is specified in a similar manner as SPAKE2 without public key >validation. We analysed the protocol and it took us a while to conclude that >it is insecure without public key validation (despite the security proofs in the >paper) [2]. We contacted authors of [1] and they kindly acknowledged the >attack and also confirmed that public key validation needed to be added in >their protocol. The attack can be traced to a subtle deficiency in their >theoretical model which implicitly assumes that a server is trusted when it >communicates with a client. This assumption is clearly invalid, but it is >implicit in the model/proofs and it took 5 years for peer researchers to >identify it! >> >> * At the moment, I don't see an obvious attack due to the missing public >key validation in the SPAKE2 specification (as in the original paper), but it's a >potential issue that needs some attention. >> >> Cheers, >> Feng >> >> [1] D. Pointcheval and S. Zimmer, "Multi-Factor Authenticated Key >Exchange," Proceedings of Applied Cryptography and Network Security >(ACNS¹08), pp. 277-295, LNCS 5037, 2008. >> >> [2] Security Analysis of a Multi-Factor Authenticated Key Exchange >> Protocol >> >> On 15/11/2016 19:14, "Watson Ladd" <> wrote: >> >>>Dear Feng, >>> >>>Let me make this very clear, to avoid your misunderstandings: J-PAKE >>>is substantially less efficient than SPAKE2 over the same group. >>>SPAKE2 with M and N generated by hashing is secure, and the proofs >>>found in the SPAKE2 paper do work for this case. If we use a small >>>subgroup of a finite field group, then the necessary validations for >>>group membership double the cost of SPAKE2, but J-PAKE is still >>>slower. J-PAKE requires an additional round, while SPAKE2 fits into >>>the same flow as Diffie-Hellman. There is no relevance of KOY, or >>>Jiang-Gong, or any other paper that may or may not (I didn't bother to >>>look) present its own definitions and security model. >>> >>>SPAKE2 requires exactly 4 exponentations in the subgroup if we do not >>>do anything smart about them. Two of these can be combined and >>>replaced with a dual base exponentiation via Strauss's algorithm. >>> >>>Do you have anything to say to this? >>> >>>Sincerely, >>>Watson >> > > > >-- >"Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains". >--Rousseau.
- [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informational … Feng Hao
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Watson Ladd
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Feng Hao
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Mike Hamburg
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Feng Hao
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Feng Hao
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Watson Ladd
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Feng Hao
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Watson Ladd
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Feng Hao
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Stanislav V. Smyshlyaev
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Michel Abdalla
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Watson Ladd
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Feng Hao
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Feng Hao
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Michel Abdalla
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Mike Hamburg
- Re: [Cfrg] J-PAKE and Schnorr NIZK for informatio… Feng Hao