Re: [Cfrg] Review of draft-irtf-cfrg-kangarootwelve-01

Benoît Viguier <> Tue, 18 February 2020 14:45 UTC

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Dear Jean-Philippe,

Thank you for your review!
Please find below our answers and comments.

On 2/17/20 11:24 AM, Jean-Philippe Aumasson wrote:
> Errata: major copypasta fail, K12 link should be [in
> 2016](, corrected version below
> Document: draft-irtf-cfrg-kangarootwelve-01
> Reviewer: Jean-Philippe Aumasson
> Review Date: 2020-02-13
> Summary: almost ready, editorial changes needed
> Conflict of interest warning: I'm a co-designer of BLAKE3, another fast 
> hash function using a tree mode, recently announced at RWC,
> see
> ## Draft content
> This draft specifies KangarooTwelve (K12), a Keccak variant introduced
> [in 2016]( that can be seen
> as a variant of the ParallelHash "SHA-3 derived function" standardized [by
> NIST in SP
> 800-185](
> in December 2016.
> The version specified in the draft seems identical to that described in
> the [research paper]( The test
> vectors are the same.
> ## Technical merits
> The main selling point of K12 is its speed, from
> 1. doing 12 rounds instead of 24 for Keccak (which I believe is fine, as
> commented in my Too Much Crypto paper where I suggest 10  rounds only).
> 2. a parallel mode with unbounded fan-out and one parent node, allowing
> "unlimited parallelism".
> Compared to ParallelHash, K12's mode is more efficient on short
> messages. ParallelHash internally calls the variant cSHAKE, which is
> essentially the SHAKE XOF. The ParallelHashXOF variants provide XOF
> functionality as well but they are slower than K12 because of the round
> numbers. I find K12 a bit simpler.
> ## Adoption
> Like all the standard and non-standard SHA-3/Keccak variants (except
> maybe for SHAKE), K12 hasn't received much interest from application
> developers. But K12 is IMHO one of the variants that has the greatest
> application potential, in part thanks to its pragmatic round number.
> K12's official C code is available at and in
> the Keccak family package
> I found some third-party implementations: in
> [JS](,
> [Ruby](, and in
> [Go](
> K12 seems to be used in some PoW, at least  there's a miner tool:
> ## Editorial
> I cannot comment with the compliance with IETF style and formatting
> rules, not being familiar with these.
> The specification looks to me mostly standalone and complete.
> Specific comments:
> * in 2.1, in "outputByteLen (..) the Length", "Length" does not seem to
>   require capitalization

Agreed, we fixed it.

> * 2.1  refers to "the absorbing phase" and to "the squeezing phase" for
>   the first time, without said phases being defined/introduced. The
>   notions are common in the Keccak ecosystem, but may be new to many
>   readers.
We added a brief description of absorbing phase and squeezing phase:
"/[...] consists of two phases: the absorbing phase that processes the//
input and the squeezing phase that produces the output./"
> * in 2.1, the pseudocode  refers twice to `inputBytes`, which is not
>   defined; I think it should be `input` instead

Thanks for spotting this, we fixed it.

> * notations such as `S_n-2`, meaning `S_(n-2)` rather than `(S_n)-2`,
>   are error prone and should probably be avoided; same comment for other
>   occurrences such as `x_n-1`.

As suggested, we added brackets to avoid ambiguities.

> * "compute the 32-bytes Chaining Values": I believe the correct spelling
>   is "32-byte".

Agreed, we fixed this.

> * "This computation SHOULD exploit the parallelism available on the
>    platform in order to be optimally efficient": maybe be more specific?
>    parallelism may refer to SIMD instructions and/or multi-core
>    processing, for example.

We are now more specific and are referring to SIMD instructions.

> * pseudocode is sometimes spelled "pseudo code",  sometimes
>   "pseudo-code", not sure what IETF prefers. use "pseudo code". use "pseudocode". use "pseudocode".

We will follow "pseudocode" spelling.

> * "In the table below are gathered the values" would be clearer with
>   active voice ("The table below gathers the values").

Agreed, we fixed this.

In summary, we integrated those changes in the github repository of CFRG:

Kind regards,

Benoît Viguier
Software Engineer - PhD Student | Cryptography & Formal Methods
Radboud University | Mercator 1, Toernooiveld 212
6525 EC Nijmegen, the Netherlands |