[CFRG] Re: IRTF Chair review of draft-irtf-cfrg-kangarootwelve
Colin Perkins <csp@csperkins.org> Mon, 27 May 2024 23:00 UTC
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From: Colin Perkins <csp@csperkins.org>
To: Gilles VAN ASSCHE <gilles.vanassche@st.com>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 23:59:45 +0100
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Subject: [CFRG] Re: IRTF Chair review of draft-irtf-cfrg-kangarootwelve
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Hi, Thanks, all - this addresses my comments. I'll move the draft forward to the IRSG review stage. Colin On 9 May 2024, at 15:06, Gilles VAN ASSCHE wrote: > Dear Colin, > > Thanks for your review. We have prepared a new draft (revision 14) addressing your comments. Please see below for some answers. > > Kind regards, > Benoît, Joan and Gilles > >> Following RFC 5743, Section 2.1, the Abstract needs to include a statement that the draft is a product of the Crypto Forum Research Group. Can you please add this. >> >> Following RFC 5743, Section 2,1, the Introduction also needs a paragraph describing the level of support for publication, the breadth of review received, and a statement that the draft is a not an IETF product and not a standard. This might be as simple as adding a statement that "This document represents the consensus of the Crypto Forum Research Group (CFRG). This document is not an IETF product and is not a standard." >> >> Section 1.1 references RFC 2119. Since the text also uses lower-case "should", "must", etc., would it be appropriate to also reference RFC 8174? > > We agree with these comments and addressed them. > >> Section 4 says "SHOULD use a HASH-then-MAC construction" and "recommends a method called HopMAC". Would it be appropriate for the draft to say why this is a SHOULD, rather than a MUST, and to describe when the recommended approach might not be suitable? > > We replaced the SHOULD with a MAY, as there are many other choices for generating MAC functions. > >> Section 5 contains test vectors. Have these been machine checked against a reference implementation to ensure they're correct? Similarly, what checks have been done to ensure the pseudo-code in the appendix is correct and matches the prose description of the algorithm? I believe that both are correct, but it's easy to introduce typos or other mistakes in such a long block of code and set of test vectors. > > We generated the test vectors using Python code [1] that is very close to the pseudo-code in the appendix. We also tested the test vectors against implementations of TurboSHAKE and KangarooTwelve in the XKCP and in the CIRCL library. > > Following your comment, we improved the Python code to make it match the pseudo-code line per line. This made us discover a typo in the pseudo-code that computes Keccak-p[1600, 12], that we corrected in version 14 of the draft. > > [1] https://github.com/cfrg/draft-irtf-cfrg-kangarootwelve/tree/master/py
- [CFRG] IRTF Chair review of draft-irtf-cfrg-kanga… Colin Perkins
- [CFRG] Re: IRTF Chair review of draft-irtf-cfrg-k… Gilles VAN ASSCHE
- [CFRG] Re: IRTF Chair review of draft-irtf-cfrg-k… Benoit Viguier
- [CFRG] Re: IRTF Chair review of draft-irtf-cfrg-k… Dang, Quynh H. (Fed)
- [CFRG] Re: IRTF Chair review of draft-irtf-cfrg-k… David Wong
- [CFRG] Re: IRTF Chair review of draft-irtf-cfrg-k… Colin Perkins