[Cfrg] Elliptic Curves - poll on specific curve around 256bit work factor (ends on February 23rd)

Alexey Melnikov <alexey.melnikov@isode.com> Wed, 18 February 2015 10:51 UTC

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Subject: [Cfrg] Elliptic Curves - poll on specific curve around 256bit work factor (ends on February 23rd)
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CFRG chairs are starting another poll:

Q3: (For people who want CFRG to recommend a curve at 256bit level) Is 
bandwidth cost of going to p521 worth the speed win over primes closer 
to 512 bits?

Once this issues is settled, we will be discussing implementation 
specifics and coordinate systems for Diffie-Hellman. We will then make 
decisions on signature schemes. Please don't discuss any of these future 
topics at this time.