Re: [Cfrg] erratum for hmac what do we think...

Stephen Farrell <> Fri, 03 February 2017 20:41 UTC

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On 03/02/17 19:49, Michael StJohns wrote:
> On 2/3/2017 1:28 PM, Stephen Farrell wrote:
>> Thanks all,
>> My reading of that thread leads me to conclude there there's consensus
>> to not verify the erratum on the basis that the threat isn't that
>> significant and a backwards incompatible change as would be required is
>> not justified. However, if HMAC were to be updated in a manner that
>> didn't require backwards compatibility then one would likely consider
>> this. Hence I've marked this as "hold for document update"
> I'd like to reiterate that RFC 2104 (or substantially similar text) was
> a feeder/submission for the FIPS 198-1 standard.  Its also old enough
> that it doesn't have the boilerplate we've since added that would allow
> for any changes/errata.  In that mode, its similar to the original
> publications of PKCS1, 7 and 12 as informational RFCs and we required a
> grant of rights to be able to gain change control over them.
> Instead of making changes here to a document that's been OBEd by first
> being published as a FIPS  (FIPS 198) and second by an update in 2008
> (FIPS 198-1), let me suggest that comments should be bundled up and
> addressed to that document instead.
> It looks like FIPS 198 is up for review in 2018 and changes might be
> applied then.
> Perhaps I'm wrong about this, but we - the IETF - do not own change
> control over every RFC.

I don't think we need worry about process nits like that tbh. The
distinction between a rejected erratum, a hold-for-document-update
erratum and an erratum that's been posted but ignored for 6 months
isn't really of interest:-)

I would worry a bit about it if we approved an erratum that broke
interop, which we could have done, but didn't do, in this case.

And if/when someone wants to revise hmac then I hope they do talk
with the IETF about that. Most, but not all, RFCs that use that do
support alg agility so there could be done potential breakage to


> Mike
>> Cheers,
>> S.
>> On 02/02/17 02:24, Stephen Farrell wrote:
>>> Hiya,
>>> There's an erratum posted for hmac [1] where I'd be
>>> interested in what folks here think.
>>> I'm unsure if this is a real problem, esp given that
>>> there are I guess a lot of implementations.
>>> And even if it were a real problem, I'm not sure we'd
>>> want that fix.
>>> Opinions welcome...
>>> Thanks,
>>> S.
>>> [1]
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