[Cfrg] Re-Post as non-html mail: Additional questions to consider for the PAKE Selection Process
"Björn Haase" <Bjoern.M.Haase@web.de> Tue, 18 June 2019 20:05 UTC
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Subject: [Cfrg] Re-Post as non-html mail: Additional questions to consider for the PAKE Selection Process
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Dear CFRG, I would like to come up with the following suggestions for structuring the PAKE selection process. When re-reading earlier discussions on the CFRG mailing list, the topic of PAKE protocols seems to have led to controversial arguments. One reason might be that we don't have a common understanding of the target use-cases and application requirements. I had a number of off-the-list discussions with several people, including those who have nominated candidate algorithms and wrote RFC8125. What I have taken with me from these off-the-list discussions is, that there seem to be several use-cases with different and largely contradicting requirements. In the off-the-list discussions I did identify the following two main use-cases described below which I have and numbered U1 and U2. In the discussion process we might come up with some other use cases, However I expect that likely we will have also very similar applications in mind, so that we might be having 3 or 4 different application settings. I would like to suggest that in the process of the discussion we all contribute to a growing common list of use cases and applications, such that we could discuss the respective advantages and drawbacks of nominated algorithms for the different scenarios. As additional question for the PAKE selection process I would thus like to add the question in addition to the list in RFC 8125: "A nomination SHOULD specify for which use-cases the protocol is recommended." #################################################### U1) PAKE as a more-secure replacement for a PSK on a machine-2-machine interface. #################################################### In some applications machine to machine interfaces need a first initial trusted setup, say for connecting a device to a WIFI router. The initial setup might involve typing a "join code" using a HMI unit with strongly reduced capabilities, having maybe only three buttons. The key benefit of the PAKE in this setting is, that a high-entropy "join key" could be replaced by a lower-entropy "join password" while improving security. Similar needs show up for initial security configuration on a small sensor node in an industrial plant or for a join operation of a small sensor node with some cloud server application or wireless sensor node network. #### U1: Derived requirements - No need for individual human user names and accounts. In U1, PAKE is used for somethint that should actually be considered a machine-to-machine interface. Specifically for U1 there is no need for several accounts with possibly varying authorization rights. For U1 the PAKE does not need to transfer a user name. - Tight performance requirements. The second aspect here is that performance requirements might be extremely tight. For instance today the join operation for a wireless HART(c) industrial sensor node network is based on symmetric primitives only for performance reasons. The small microcontrollers had been assessed to be incapable of running asymmetric crypto. Note that for similar reasons for implementations on tiny microcontrollers such as a Arm Cortex-M0 or 80C51, the Bluetooth-Low-energy Standard in its version 4.0 had dropped any asymmetric crypto which resulted in severe security issues. #################################################### U2) PAKE for securely accessing a remote HMI interface server (e.g. a web server) without configured WEB-PKI certificates. #################################################### More and more devices, such as home-automation surveillance/security cameras combine the needs for security/privacy with the customer desire to access the HMI interface by remote handheld units with using conventional off-the-shelf tools, such as a web-browser. As-shipped, these IoT devices will not come with a vaild WEB-certificate allowing for establishing a conventional TLS link providing MTM protection. Similar use-cases show up in industrial automation settings where devices such as sensors increasingly come with IP-protocol or even wireless direct internet connectivity, where already the initial configuration login is performed over a vulnerable wireless link. This type of server device might be physically accessible for adversaries. (e.g. a surveillance camera at the house gate) and often might not have ressources for calculating state-of-the-art password hashes. The HMI units would be tablets/PC/Smartphones with comparably powerful computational capabilities. There might be more than handheld HMI unit such that individual configuration of several HMI units is not desired. Often there might be several server devices (e.g. three cameras at one house) which commonly are configured to the same user passwords. #### U2: Derived requirements - The login is of conventional "username/password" type with possibly several users having different authorizations. - Because of physical accessability the user-login credentials should best be protected in secure elements. At least use strong password hashes should be highly desirable. - A convenient method for synchronizing user credentials between a set of servers is desirable, even if a centralized management infrastructure might not be available.
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