[Cfrg] Comments on draft-hoffman-c2pq-01
Philip Lafrance <philip.lafrance92@gmail.com> Fri, 21 July 2017 12:01 UTC
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From: Philip Lafrance <philip.lafrance92@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 08:01:18 -0400
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Hello all, So I can't express enough how much I support this document. I gave it a cursory read and prepared some remarks (see below). Since I was up at 3am today (IPSECME meeting was at 5:50 am my time) I kind of want to go home and sleep. So, I'll give a more detailed review sometime next week (hopefully with some input from my quantum crypto colleagues). Comments: Section 1.3 -The definition given for “post-quantum cryptography” is pretty limited and kind of inaccurate. The definition as given would suggest that ECC is post-quantum as it does not rely on factoring large numbers or determine the discrete log of a large composite number. Maybe something like: "The term "post-quantum cryptography" refers to the invention and study of cryptographic techniques (including encryption, signature and key exchange algorithms) that are implementable on a classical computer and are based on problems that are believed to be difficult for a quantum computer to solve. In particular, this includes algorithms based on lattices, isogenies, hash-functions, multivariate polynomial systems, and coding theory. It excludes systems whose security relies on factoring numbers, or the difficulty of determining the discrete log of one group element with respect to another." Section 1.6 -The good folks at the Institute for Quantum Computing have a good textbook which would be a nice reference (here is a link http://hep.fcfm.buap.mx/cursos/2014/MCI/An_Intro_to_Quantum.pdf) Section 2.1 -This section seems to only be concerned with using quantum algorithms to recover secret key. Why not also mention for example using Grover to find collisions to forge signatures? -We should maybe consider replacing “large-scale” quantum computer with “universal” quantum computer. -Maybe some discussion about the differences between quantum annealing and a universal quantum computer. This would be useful because, for example D-Wave is a quantum annealer, not a universal quantum computer, but the difference is lost on most people. Understanding the difference is important if we’re talking about when to transition. That's all for now. All the best folks! Safe travels home from Prague! -Philip Lafrance
- [Cfrg] Comments on draft-hoffman-c2pq-01 Philip Lafrance
- Re: [Cfrg] Comments on draft-hoffman-c2pq-01 Paul Hoffman