[Cfrg] FW: Request for review of ChaCha/Poly1305
"Paterson, Kenny" <Kenny.Paterson@rhul.ac.uk> Fri, 25 July 2014 16:04 UTC
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From: "Paterson, Kenny" <Kenny.Paterson@rhul.ac.uk>
To: "cfrg@irtf.org" <cfrg@irtf.org>
Thread-Topic: Request for review of ChaCha/Poly1305
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Subject: [Cfrg] FW: Request for review of ChaCha/Poly1305
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Dear CFRG, We have been formally requested by the TLS WG to provide review on this document: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-chacha20-poly1305/ defining an AEAD construction using the ChaCha and Poly1305 algorithms. This scheme is being considered by the TLS WG for adoption in TLS. There are two aspects to the request: A) analysis of the individual algorithms; B) analysis of the composition (in Section 2.8 of the document). My sense is that novel analysis of the algorithms (A) is not likely to be forthcoming from this group within a realistic timeframe. We can instead hope that the adoption of ChaCha in TLS will spur further analysis of it by the research community in the longer term. On the other hand, analysis of the composition (B) should be within our collective reach within a realistic timeframe. Comments, please. Best wishes Kenny (for the chairs) On 24/07/2014 15:47, "Sean Turner" <TurnerS@ieca.com> wrote: >The TLS WG is currently considering the use of ChaCha/Poly1305 >cipher suites in TLS. Can you please provide the CFRG's feedback >on the suitability of these algorithms and of the AEAD construction >found in the following draft: > >https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-chacha20-poly1305/ > >Thanks, >S&J
- [Cfrg] FW: Request for review of ChaCha/Poly1305 Paterson, Kenny
- [Cfrg] FW: Request for review of ChaCha/Poly1305 Gordon Procter
- Re: [Cfrg] FW: Request for review of ChaCha/Poly1… Gordon Procter
- Re: [Cfrg] FW: Request for review of ChaCha/Poly1… Yoav Nir