Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF protocols
"Paterson, Kenny" <> Wed, 22 March 2017 14:36 UTC
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From: "Paterson, Kenny" <>
To: William Whyte <>
CC: Watson Ladd <>, "Tams, Benjamin" <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF protocols
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Subject: Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF protocols
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Hi William, You are right that there's no formally agreed approach for CFRG, but the current approach that the *leadership* of CFRG (i.e. the co-chairs) would like to take is that explained in my message below. But we can of course revisit the question as a research group. To reiterate: I would consider it a mistake for CFRG to go down the route of standardising PQ algorithms ahead of the NIST process, aside from in mature areas like hash-based signatures where we have a lot of research that we can draw on. For me, the rest of the field is in too much of a state of flux, and the expertise that might otherwise be available is (rightly) focussed on the NIST process with its (rightly) much longer timescales. I would welcome a CFRG-wide decision to look at "an interoperability specification for PQ algorithms to be used in a hybrid context" as you put it. But that's not the same as looking at PQ algorithms. Let's not conflate/confuse them. Further comments/discussion very welcome - as always. Cheers, Kenny On 22/03/2017 12:34, "William Whyte" <> wrote: >Hi Kenny, > > >I didn't see that mail, thanks for forwarding. > > >Personally I find Ben's position more convincing: > > >>> The other way round does neither: Just because there are Internet >>>Drafts specifying >PQ-safe key exchange algorithms, this does not mean they have to be >implemented. Anyway, >existing implementations are indications for the need of PQ-safe key >exchange algorithms. >Therefore, in my view, it is reasonable to specify Internet Drafts for >state-of-the-art >PQ-safe key exchange algorithms suitable for implementation. > >There are organizations that need to plan for a migration now in order to >properly manage risk and that can't wait for the NIST process to >complete. Providing an interoperability specification for PQ algorithms >to be used > in a hybrid context allows these organizations to start development and >prototype deployment. > > >I'm not sure the "current CFRG approach" has been formally decided on; >it's more "what CFRG happens to be doing at the moment". If CFRG members >see value in specifying a wider range of algorithms, the CFRG approach >can be > changed. > > >Cheers, > > >William > > > > > > > > >On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 8:26 AM, Paterson, Kenny ><> wrote: > >Hi, > >This e-mail I sent back on 15th March laying out the CFRG leadership's >current position on post-quantum algorithms does not appear to have made >it into the CFRG archive and perhaps did not make it to the list. It seem >pertinent to send it again, in view of an on-going discussion on the list. > >Regards > >Kenny > >On 15/03/2017 08:23, "Paterson, Kenny" <> wrote: > >>Hi Benjamin, >> >>Full disclosure: I am involved in one proposal being prepared for the >>NIST >>process. >> >> >>Wearing my CFRG co-chair's hat, I would say that Watson is correct, in >>the >>sense that the current CFRG approach is to define RFCs for a few >>relatively mature post-quantum primitives, such as hash-based signatures, >>but to wait for the results of the NIST process for everything else. >> >>The NIST process is going to run for many years - it just started, and is >>slated at 5-7 years. It will entail a significant effort by the research >>community, which is right and proper given the current state of the >>field. >> >>Regards, >> >>Kenny >> >>On 15/03/2017 02:38, "Cfrg on behalf of Watson Ladd" >>< on behalf of >> wrote: >> >>>On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 10:31 AM, Tams, Benjamin >>><> wrote: >>>> Hi John, >>>> >>>>> Good that CFRG starts some more detailed discussion on PQC. It makes >>>>>sense >>>>> to support post-quantum key exchange for use cases that need >>>>>long-term >>>>> confidentiality (15 years). For other use cases I think it can wait >>>>>until >>>>> PQC key exchange algorithms has been thoroughly evaluated and >>>>> standardized. If implemented now, it should be used in addition to >>>>>ECDHE, >>>>> just like Google has done with their experimental New Hope >>>>>implementation. >>>> >>>> I absolutely agree with your view on the subject. Especially for those >>>>use >>>> cases where the attack scenario "collect today, decrypt tomorrow" is a >>>>threat, >>>> we should start thinking of PQ-safe key exchange methods in time. Even >>>>if >>>> they eventually turn out to be insecure; we can now combine them with >>>> classical key exchange algorithms. We have nothing to lose. >>>> >>>> There is already IETF work addressing PQ-security in Internet >>>>protocols, e.g. >>>> IKE and an Internet Draft for a Quantum-Safe Hybrid Ciphersuite for >>>>TLS >>>> >>>> > ><> >>>> > ><> >>>> >>>> On the other hand, there is (to my knowledge) no specification for a >>>>PQ-safe >>>> patent-free key exchange algorithm suitable for implementation. In >>>>fact, in >>>> > ><> >>>> only NTRUEncrypt is specified but is subject to patents. >>>> >>>> A possible first step is that CFRG creates an Internet Draft. In fact, >>>> the algorithm New Hope has already been implemented as a plugin for >>>> strongSwan (IPSec implementation for the Linux kernel) >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>p >>>>l >>>>ugins/newhope >>>> >>>> So why do we not start with a draft for which the above implementation >>>>can >>>> serve as a reference implementation? >>> >>>Why should we preempt the current NIST postquantum standardization >>>efforts? >>>> >>>> Kind regards, >>>> Benjamin >>>> >>>> >>>> _______________________________________________ >>>> Cfrg mailing list >>>> >>>> > ><> >>> >>> >>> >>>-- >>>"Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains". >>>--Rousseau. >>> >>>_______________________________________________ >>>Cfrg mailing list >>> >>> >> > >_______________________________________________ >Cfrg mailing list > > > > > > > > >
- [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF protocols John Mattsson
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… David McGrew (mcgrew)
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… Tams, Benjamin
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… William Whyte
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… Watson Ladd
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… Tams, Benjamin
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… Tams, Benjamin
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… William Whyte
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… Ilari Liusvaara
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… William Whyte
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… John Mattsson
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… William Whyte
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… Aaron Zauner
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… Tams, Benjamin
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… Paterson, Kenny
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… William Whyte
- Re: [Cfrg] Postquantum cryptography in IETF proto… Paterson, Kenny