Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves for key agreement
Andrey Jivsov <> Fri, 12 September 2014 08:06 UTC
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Subject: Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves for key agreement
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On 09/02/2014 05:20 PM, Michael Hamburg wrote: > There isn’t actually a 10% penalty for switching forms unless you are > translating between two different wire formats. If one side or the > other is internal to the application, it will be projective, which makes > translation free unless the format is compressed. [ ] I followed up on the idea that one can convert between Montgomery canonical compressed representation to Edwards projective coordinates without extra one or two inverses. Here are my notes, confirming the above. To convert from Montgomery M(x,y): y^2 = x^3 + A*x^2 + x to -1 twisted Edwards coordinate (x_e,y_e) on the curve E(x,y): -x^2+y^2 = 1 + d*x^2*y^2 the following formula is used: x_e = sqrt( -(A+2) ) * x / y y_e = (x-1)/(x+1) O = (0,0) for M O = (0,1) for E, (0,-1) is exceptional d = -(A-2)/(A+2) y is not sent and we calculate it based on y_e and E(x,y) equation as follows: x_e = sqrt( (y_e^2-1) / (d*y_e^2+1) ) The numerator and denominator in the above formula are: y_e^2-1 = -4x = Y^2 - T^2 d*y_e^2+1 = d*Y^2+T^2 Y = x - 1 T = x + 1 This is x_e = sqrt( (T^2-Y^2)/(-dY^2-T^2) ) and this can be calculated in terms of Montgomery x at no additional cost, but this is not enough because y_e = Y/T would require an additional inverse. In addition, there may be a second extra inverse corresponding to the conversion back to the canonical representation. These two inverses would have added 20% performance penalty, a significant hit in some instances. For example, Curve25519 is 50% faster than NIST P-256 between openssl optimized for AVX2 v.s. curve25519-donna on the same modern x86_64 CPUs. Fortunately, it is possible to avoid the overhead of conversion both ways: * from affine Montgomery compressed coordinates (x only) to affine -1 twisted Edwards coordinates (from which one can use projective coordinates) * from projective -1 twisted Endwards coordinates to Montgomery First, let's look at conversion to Edwards affine coordinates. This conversion has a nice property that it's affine-to-affine. The following 3 "tricks" will be used to accomplish this. The simultaneous square root and inversion are explained in section 5 of ) The "Montgomery trick" is easily generalized to any number of inverses as follows, shown for 3. To calculate 1/a, 1/b, 1/c, we do t = 1/(abc), 1/a = bct, 1/b = act, 1/c = abt. Also, sqrt(zz) = zz/sqrt(zz). ( See also, ) x_e = sqrt(T^2-Y^2) / sqrt(-dY^2-T^2) = (T^2-Y^2) / sqrt( (T^2-Y^2)(-dY^2-T^2) ) With this in mind, here is the algorithm: 1. t = (T^2-Y^2)*(-d*Y^2-T^2) * T^2 2. tt = sqrt(1/t) ( paying the cost close to 1 inverse ) 3. x_e = tt * (T^2-Y^2) * T 4. y_e = tt^2 * (T^2-Y^2)*(-d*Y^2-T^2) * T ( this is 1 / T ) y_e = Y * y_e 5. Test that E(x_e,y_e)==0 (otherwise more thoughts are needed for point x validation and handling of O) The sign of x_e will need to be adjusted, not discussed here. Finally, the conversion back to Montgomery representation is simpler. Let's assume that there is a projective (x/z, y/z) representation. (Other internal representations should work as well, as long as there is an inverse calculation to piggy-back on) We know that Montgomery x is obtained from Edwards y_e as follows: x = -(y_e+1)/(y_e-1). To calculate affine y_e = y_e'/z_e' we calculate x directly from projective y_e' as follows: x = - (y_e'+z_e')/(y_e'-z_e'). Thank you.
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- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Watson Ladd
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- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Benjamin Black
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Andrey Jivsov
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Benjamin Black
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Benjamin Black
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Andrey Jivsov
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Nico Williams
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Andrey Jivsov
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Michael Hamburg
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Brian LaMacchia
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Tanja Lange
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Paterson, Kenny
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Jim Schaad
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Markulf Kohlweiss
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Paterson, Kenny
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Nico Williams
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Andy Lutomirski
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Andy Lutomirski
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Nico Williams
- Re: [Cfrg] On the use of Montgomery form curves f… Andrey Jivsov