[Cfrg] Usability of cryptographic APIs - Study Invitation

"Zeier, Alexander" <alexander.zeier@h-da.de> Tue, 06 November 2018 10:57 UTC

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From: "Zeier, Alexander" <alexander.zeier@h-da.de>
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I am researching the usability of cryptographic APIs at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. For this purpose I want to compare the usability of different Java APIs supporting digital signatures. Usability is a very important part of a good cryptographic API. Without usability, programmers will do mistakes which will lead to insecure software.

I prepared an online editor where you will be presented with a programming task. This task should be solved using a randomly assigned Java API and should take you about 90 minutes. Only basic Java skills are required.

As a little incentive, all participants have the chance to win one of three 100€ voucher for amazon.

If you want to take part in my research, please visit the following page: https://research.azeier.de

By participating, you would help me understand different problems programmers are facing when using cryptographic APIs. These insights are then used to create more usable APIs.

I would like to thank you in advance for supporting the study and making a valuable contribution to my research.

If you encounter any technical difficulties, please let me know.

Best regards,
Alexander Zeier

Alexander Zeier
Fachbereich Informatik
Hochschule Darmstadt - University of Applied Sciences
Haardtring 100
D-64295 Darmstadt

Tel: 06151-16-3 8489
E-Mail: alexander.zeier@h-da.de
Web: https://ucs.fbi.h-da.de
Büro: D19, 2.05, Schöfferstr. 10, 64295 Darmstadt