Re: [Cfrg] Hardware requirements for elliptic curves

Paul Lambert <> Mon, 08 September 2014 05:26 UTC

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From: Paul Lambert <>
To: Michael Hamburg <>, Alyssa Rowan <>
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 22:25:57 -0700
Thread-Topic: [Cfrg] Hardware requirements for elliptic curves
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Subject: Re: [Cfrg] Hardware requirements for elliptic curves
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On 9/2/14, 9:31 AM, "Michael Hamburg" <> wrote:

>I agree with Alyssa that hardware performance isn¹t our concern here.
>However, I¹m curious about Joppe Bos¹ assertion that random primes are
>just as fast and more secure in hardware.  What kind of hardware are you
>thinking about?  Some kind of residue number system?  Or a bit-at-a-time
>reduction system?

I work at a chip company Š checking on design considerations:
 - random primes and special run at the same speed
 - flexibility and die size are more important than prime specific

Hardware performance should not be used as a reason to eliminate random


>I have some limited experience in crypto hardware design, in particular
>working with a hardware modulo multiplier.  If I recall correctly, adding
>support for a handful of the NIST primes (192, 224, 256 and 384 maybe?)
>cost about 10% area overhead in our lightweight design, for double the
>That said, this hardware used a Montgomery reduction, so the same support
>would have required more work for a 2^big-small prime.  But I¹m sure it
>can still be done.
>‹ Mike
>> On Sep 2, 2014, at 6:05 AM, Alyssa Rowan <> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA512
>> On 2 September 2014 12:43:19 BST, Joppe Bos <> wrote:
>>> The current discussion around the requirements, and the performance
>>> aspects,
>>> have mainly been approached from a software implementation point of
>>> view. As
>>> one of the authors of the NUMS curves, I have been responsible for this
>>> as
>>> well. With this message I would like to provide a hardware perspective:
>>> more
>>> specifically, I would like to put forward some requirements which are
>>> concerned with hardware specific attacks.
>> Thank you; an interesting perspective, if I may say so.
>> Of course, there's more than one way to do it. Vendors seem to use a
>>variety of techniques for side-channel countermeasures, and other
>>techniques prefer different environments.
>> For example, balanced dual-rail logic and smaller constant-time/power
>>implementations (along with an awful lot of dead junk gates, for reasons
>>I can't quite fathom but that may be a poor attempt at DFA
>> Or several other implementations from multiple vendors that are
>>actually based on either specialised microcontrollers or commodity CPUs
>>with specialised firmware, resulting in what may be more accurately
>>characterised as a constrained/specialised software implementation: I
>>think this may be the overall general approach that is the most
>>flexible, modular and reusable, which may be why it's the most favoured
>>approach by most other smart card & HSM vendors, from what I've seen?
>> Random primes have unfortunate software performance, including
>>constrained performance.
>> We are not concerned with EMV "security" here in CFRG at all, but with
>>making suggestions for *internet* protocols.
>> I think it would be a mistake to allow old hardware implementations to
>>(yet again) needlessly overshadow improved software ones: the majority
>>of implementations on the internet will invariably be software. I feel
>>we are being asked for new recommendations here, not old ones, but of
>>course, that's only my perspective.
>> - --
>> /akr
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>> =Fk5G
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