Re: [Cfrg] Further actions on PAKEs: one/two documents; call for editors // Further steps regarding CPace, avoiding that incompatible versions get rolled out

"\"Björn Haase\"" <> Sat, 16 May 2020 14:18 UTC

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Subject: Re: [Cfrg] Further actions on PAKEs: one/two documents; call for editors // Further steps regarding CPace, avoiding that incompatible versions get rolled out
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Hello to all,
regarding the CPace I-D I have meanwhile received feedback from several people which have independently implemented CPace, partly in incompatible ways (e.g. using different domain-separation identifiers).
Specifically, Steve Thomas, Frank Denis and Filippo Valsorda seem to have implemented the protocol using X25519 and Ristretto255 for C, Go, Rust (and maybe Javascript?).
I would like to avoid that several incompatible implementations get out in the wild for the same group. For this reason, I would like to update the current I-D soon. Specifically there seems to be a larger interrest of having a specification for Ristretto255.
For this purpose, I have collected all feedback that I have received so far at
I'd appreciate feedback from CFRG regarding how to consider different curves. My original plan was to just refer to the recently updated H2C draft for the mapping operation for any curve and use the generic specification that has recently be updated regarding the hash-to-base operation.
However, when seeing that ristretto does not seem to be considered in the H2C draft and considering that ristretto255 itself seems to specify a H2C operation, one might have to deviate from the "use the generic H2C specification" plan.?
I'd appreciate your feedback here also regarding the general assessment of ristretto255 by the CFRG group. Is this something which should be considered in the balanced PAKE document to be provided by CFRG or rather not? Should ristretto255 be left out for an official CFRG document or not?
Also I'd appreciate feedback regarding whether the current CPace-01 draft could serve as a basis for a CFRG balanced PAKE document or whether one would be rather start re-writing from scratch?  From Frank Denis, I have received the feedback "The I-D is excellent, and contains everything an implementer would need.", however Yaron did have some objections regarding the general structure, IIRC.