[CFRG] Re: RFC7748
Michael Scott <mike.scott@miracl.com> Sun, 09 June 2024 18:57 UTC
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From: Michael Scott <mike.scott@miracl.com>
Date: Sun, 09 Jun 2024 19:57:00 +0100
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Subject: [CFRG] Re: RFC7748
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Hello Dan, Thanks for the very complete answer and the clarification. Mike On Sun, Jun 9, 2024 at 5:56 PM D. J. Bernstein <djb@cr.yp.to> wrote: > Michael Scott writes: > [ regarding Montgomery A^2-4 being a non-square ] > > In Appendix A of RFC7748 a script is provided for generating suitable > > Montgomery curves, but the above condition is not specified. > > Meanwhile the RFC specifies other conditions; so, before asking about > the safety of a hypothetical curve meeting the RFC's conditions and not > having A^2-4 being square, one might try to actually construct such a > curve, to show that the discussion isn't vacuous. > > A natural way to investigate would be to start with small fields, as in > the following Sage script, which runs through all odd primes p < 1000, > printing out all elliptic curves y^2 = x^3+Ax^2+x meeting the cofactor > conditions in the RFC (group order 8*prime for base field 1 mod 4, group > order 4*prime for base field 3 mod 4, twist order 4*prime in any case), > and noting for each curve whether A^2-4 is a non-square: > > #!/usr/bin/env sage > for p in primes(3,1000): > F = GF(p) > cofactor = 8 if p%4 == 1 else 4 > twistcofactor = 4 > for A in F: > if A == 2 or A == -2: continue > E = EllipticCurve(F,[0,A,0,1,0]) > n = E.cardinality() > twistn = 2*(p+1)-n > if n%cofactor != 0: continue > if not ZZ(n/cofactor).is_prime(): continue > if twistn%twistcofactor != 0: continue > if not ZZ(twistn/twistcofactor).is_prime(): continue > print(not (A^2-4).is_square(),'p',p,'A',A,'n',n,'twistn',twistn) > > The output shows 2007 elliptic curves. The only squares A^2-4 appear for > base fields of size <=17. At that point one might reasonably formulate > a hypothesis that, actually, the curves in question don't exist over > larger fields. > > Looking more closely at the square cases, one might notice that in each > case the "n" output is 8 or 16; i.e., the prime in "group order 8*prime" > or "group order 4*prime" is specifically the prime 2. So one might > formulate a more specific hypothesis that a Montgomery curve with > > * group order 8*(odd prime) for base field 1 mod 4, > * group order 4*(odd prime) for base field 3 mod 4, and > * twist order 4*(odd prime) > > must have A^2-4 being non-square. (The RFC doesn't say "odd" here; but, > by Hasse's theorem, large fields won't give group orders 16 or 8. We ask > for much larger fields and much larger group orders in ECC.) > > One might then check what the literature says about the structure of > Montgomery curves, and, based on that, formulate a proof of the > hypothesis, perhaps along the following lines: > > * Consider any A where A^2-4 is a nonzero square. > > * Consider the Montgomery curves E_{M,A,B}: By^2 = x^3+Ax^2+x for > nonzero B. If B is square then E_{M,A,B} is isomorphic to E_{M,A,1} > so #E_{M,A,B} is the "group order" above. If B is non-square then > #E_{M,A,B} is the "twist order" above. > > * E_{M,A,B} has three points of order 2, namely (0,0) and > ((-A+-sqrt(A^2-4))/2,0). > > * On E_{M,A,A+2}, the point (1,1) has order 4, so #E_{M,A,A+2} has to > be a multiple of 8. > > * For base field 3 mod 4, we're done at this point: the group order > or twist order is a multiple of 8, contradicting the assumption > that both orders are 4*(odd prime). So assume base field 1 mod 4 > from now on. Fix a square root i of -1 in the field. > > * By assumption the twist order is 4*(odd prime), so E_{M,A,A+2} is > isomorphic to E_{M,A,1}, so A+2 is a square, and (1,sqrt(A+2)) has > order 4 on E_{M,A,1}. > > * By assumption, the group order is 8*(odd prime). Since there are > exactly three points of order 2, the order-8 subgroup is isomorphic > to \Z/4 times \Z/2. In particular, there are exactly 3 points of > order 4, and 0 points of order 8. > > * Note that E_{M,A,1} is birationally equivalent to the Edwards curve > with coefficient d = (A+2)/(A-2). > > * By Theorem 3.1 of https://eecm.cr.yp.to/eecm-20111008.pdf, there > are exactly four points of order 4 on the Edwards curve doubling to > (0,-1), since d is a square. > > * By the same theorem, if either square root of 1/d were a square, > then there would be further points of order 4, contradiction. So > +-sqrt(1/d) aren't squares. > > * By Theorem 3.2 of https://eecm.cr.yp.to/eecm-20111008.pdf, there > are points of order 8 on this Edwards curve if there exists x in > the field with dx^4-2x^2+1 = 0 or with dx^4-2dx^2+1 = 0. > > * Pick a square root s of A+2. Then s^2-4 = A-2 is a square (since > A^2-4 is a square), so 4-s^2 is a square (since -1 is a square); > i.e., 4-s^2 = r^2 for some r. > > * Note that s is nonzero (since A=-2 wouldn't be elliptic). > > * Write m = (2-r)/s. Then m^2 = (2-r)^2/s^2 = (2-r)^2/(4-r^2) = > (2-r)/(2+r), so m^2+1 = 4/(2+r), so r = 4/(m^2+1)-2. > > * Note that m is nonzero (since r=2 would give s=0), so > s = (2-r)/m = 4m/(m^2+1). > > * Now d = -4m^2/(m^2-1)^2, and the square roots of 1/d are > +-i(m^2-1)/2m, so i(m^2-1)/2m isn't a square. > > * If (1-m^2)/2 were square, say x^2, then dx^4-2x^2+1 would be 0, > giving a point of order 8, contradiction. So (1-m^2)/2 isn't > square. > > * If (m+1)^2/2m were square, say x^2, then dx^4-2dx^2+1 would be 0, > giving a point of order 8, contradiction. So (m+1)^2/2m isn't > square; i.e., 2m isn't square. > > * The product of three non-squares is a non-square, so 2i is a > non-square. But that's contradicted by quadratic reciprocity: > fields 1 mod 8 have 2 and i both being squares; fields 5 mod 8 > have 2 and i both being non-squares; either way 2i is a square. > > Q.E.D. > > One might then say, wait, that's a rather long proof, and there are a > bunch of steps that could have gone wrong. One might then address this > by double-checking the steps, or writing a Sage script with numerical > sanity checks of each step, or writing a computer-checked proof. People > vary in how far they need to go before they're willing to confidently > say that these curves don't exist. > > > In the safecurves site it is made a condition for a safe Montgomery > > curve that A^2-4 should be a non-square. > > No. The SafeCurves ladder requirement is as follows: > > SafeCurves requires curves to support simple, fast, constant-time > single-coordinate single-scalar multiplication, avoiding conflicts > between simplicity, efficiency, and security. This is not a > requirement specifically to use Montgomery curves: there are other > types of curves that support simple, fast, constant-time ladders. > "Fast" means that implementations of scalar multiplication for the > same curve cannot be much faster, and "simple" means that reasonably > fast implementations of scalar multiplication for the same curve > cannot be much more concise. At this time there are no examples close > enough to the edge to warrant quantification of "much". > > The SafeCurves completeness requirement is as follows: > > SafeCurves requires curves to support simple, fast, _complete_, > constant-time single-coordinate single-scalar multiplication. This > includes the SafeCurves ladder requirement but goes further by > requiring completeness. SafeCurves also requires curves to support > simple, fast, _complete_, constant-time multi-scalar multiplication. > > The mention of A^2-4 being non-square is in the SafeCurves review of > relevant history: > > 2006 Bernstein had shown a more limited form of completeness for the > Montgomery ladder on Montgomery curves y^2=x^3+Ax^2+x with a unique > point of order 2, i.e., with A^2-4 not a square. > > ---D. J. Bernstein > > _______________________________________________ > CFRG mailing list -- cfrg@irtf.org > To unsubscribe send an email to cfrg-leave@irtf.org >
- [CFRG] RFC7748 Michael Scott
- [CFRG] Re: RFC7748 D. J. Bernstein
- [CFRG] Re: RFC7748 D. J. Bernstein
- [CFRG] Re: RFC7748 Michael Scott